Items Found on Jobs worked


i am new to game just got to level and founded only tobacco but can't understand what you are trying to say


its a spreadsheet telling you what jobs are known to give you certain items


is there a list of what job gives what item, i thought it was random?


I tried to figure out..And this was the out come-
He is asking for reports on what you got from working on a certain job

Though, I am not totally sure :(.


He is just showing that he is compiling a list of Items that have been found at certain jobs. That way if you are looking for a black bandana then going to a certain job will up your chances of finding one because people have found black bandanas there. Has nothing to do with products, just items.


He is just showing that he is compiling a list of Items that have been found at certain jobs. That way if you are looking for a black bandana then going to a certain job will up your chances of finding one because people have found black bandanas there. Has nothing to do with products, just items.
as i have said but it will be a cheating isn't it ?


No. That is not cheating. Just because someone has found a black bandana 3 times digging graves or whatever does not guarantee someone else will find one in 10 hours of digging graves. I have a similar list for myself.

It is just a list of where items may be more likely found. I don't see how anyone can cheat with that.


No. That is not cheating. Just because someone has found a black bandana 3 times digging graves or whatever does not guarantee someone else will find one in 10 hours of digging graves. I have a similar list for myself.

It is just a list of where items may be more likely found. I don't see how anyone can cheat with that.

Your sign says Correct:D
Is every item can be found in every job ??


technically yes, but u wont find a fancy weapon from picking tobacco