Is democracy/capaitalism toxic?


But see, that is part of the problem. We are trapped within a construct that would prevent the foundation for just such a resolution. Compound this by a decades long complacency that is fostered by apathy, and even if we were to assume the unlikely event of an educated populace (and I say unlikely due to the growing influx of propaganda, which is essentially a contra-education, an imposition on facts through misinformation and misdirection), we still would be tasked with not only contravening authority, but actually giving a crap.

As the United States is by far the leader in consumerism, it is the United States that has the greatest ability to successfully introduce Fair Trade as enforceable through laws. Unfortunately, it is also the United States that is the least likely to mandate such.


I was bringing a very relevant notice that applies to this topic to the fore. You cannot dictate to others the contents of these threads. Thanks for deleting a very nice piece that directly tied into this topic as a example of toxity

The Sopa legislation is the ultimate piece of toxicity. Incarcerating users because they placed justin bieber 's video on their facebook wall is such nonsense. The americans have a love for incarcerating the man on the street. I would like to see the whole senate behind bars for a month maybe they then wouldnt come up with such nonsense. It was passed and suggested by democrats it was lobbied by the music industry etc. I dont see really any elements to it that dont apply. wikipedia is today down.
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Why does everybody ignore Switzerland, when it comes to democracy?
Are they too neutral to be part of the West or the world even?


Why does everybody ignore Switzerland, when it comes to democracy?
Are they too neutral to be part of the West or the world even?

Switzerland has a very small population. It's more comparable to a large city than to an entire country. And there are probably lots of cities that have a per capita GDP as high as Switzerland. however am looking at the Swiss form of democracy etc now.


Jakkals , i'm not really sure how that fits in with this ,but if your venting because your looking at jail time for your bieber fever ,then maybe this is the wrong tree to sniff.(sorry jakkals just caught me as funny)

Victor i think what jack was more pointing to (maybe) was swiss direct democracy ,where any law can be overturn by petetion up to a few months (i could be wrong on time frame) and even parts of thier constituon can be changed if it's a large enough ( and while i say large enough ,the actual percentage needed of the overall voting population is very small,under 5%) But in the context of america's version of democracy as it stands , with funded parties by business as hellstromm pointed to , i'd think monarcy would have a better shot . (and maybe if it was up to jakkals ,the royal liniage would start from the house of Bieber)

But see, that is part of the problem. We are trapped within a construct that would prevent the foundation for just such a resolution. Compound this by a decades long complacency that is fostered by apathy, and even if we were to assume the unlikely event of an educated populace (and I say unlikely due to the growing influx of propaganda, which is essentially a contra-education, an imposition on facts through misinformation and misdirection), we still would be tasked with not only contravening authority, but actually giving a crap.

A lot of what you say in that i'd (anyone) would have to agree to ,but in Australia (and this is only in contex to america because its a western democray/trading partner ally ) in the last election the greens had the largest vote in thier history ,and in only bieng very small party in the 90's,only holding any power in tasmania(a tradionally green state) , it's ideas then and now considered extremist by liberal and labour alike ,now holds the balance of power in the sentate.Granted any Australian will tell you the two major parties presented the worst choices in memory ,but that's still a significant shift and unthinkable twenty years ago.Just in that, would'nt that indicate that there is a shift in perceptions of what people want from thier polictial systems?That us to say that even with a entrenched conservative element if people are given another real option then there is a significant demographic that will look to it .While i agree there is a large percentage of people that are apathetic , i'd also point out that with examples like this , that people are more actively looking for change , and with the example of the greens party in australia , i think its clear that a path in that direction with the right focus and timing can become a highway.

I think trends like the greens rise ,the party membership of the tradionals dropping along with a rise in memberships in aid/enviromental human rights groups are good indicators that misinformed or not ,people do care ,above and beyond what just those two snapshots show.
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Bieber was just a example. For example your teenage daughter see bieber videos on youtube if she now post it 5 times on her facebook wall she has violated copyright and can be sentenced to jail. But there is obvious other examples otherwise wikipedia would not be blacked out today . Therefore you can discuss it if you want I think its relevant.


Right, *rolls eyes*

Moving on, so here we have capitalism and our respective republics (and that wierd little place called Switzerland), and we have a citizenry with a growing degree of education, confounded by an equally growing degree of propaganda, all frustrated by apathy.

When we witness the events of unrest in the Middle East, it reminds me of that which occurred in the past on so many different fronts at one point or another. Be it Russia, the Americas, China, even Switzerland, unrest is the the result of a thoroughly disgusted greater populace attempting to wrest control from a greedy and otherwise insensitive wealthy minority.

I do agree, looking at the events in Western Europe and the U.S., looking at what is still happening in the Middle East, it is reasonable to assume that, at some point, civil unrest will result in fundamental changes.

The questions then arise --- will they be the "right" changes and will it be too late?


Jakkals , i think this is more a cause and effect discussion . (in my opinion) i think what your refferencing is a really obscure effect and not really in context ,i'm sorry if you see it differnt .(Athough copyright , music sampling and ownership is something im also intrested in ,google "girl talk" one of the most progressive artists in sampling /loop music and see his ongoing david and golith struggle he's been fighting for years,i hope you find him of intrest)

To answer Hellstromm's reply (on topic and considered) , "The questions then arise --- will they be the "right" changes and will it be too late?" ,i think if you look to Eygpt and the great example of people power ,there is also very much an alarm bell there ,in once they achieved thier objuective to derail the goverment ,the what comes next question is very much one of contension .

(I'll premept this with :bear with me here)

The World Bank says the global economy is on the edge of a new financial crisis, deeper and more damaging than the one that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Its latest six-monthly assessment of global economic prospects halves its forecast for growth among high-income countries, and pushes its forecast for countries using the euro into negative territory.
It has slashed its global growth forecast for 2012 from 3.6 per cent to 2.5 per cent. High-income nations are forecast to grow at 1.4 per cent rather than 2.7 per cent. The euro area's economy will shrink 0.3 per cent.
(quoted from Peter Martin ,Sydney Morning Herald ,fairfax media group)

As you pointed to with examples of russia,china and the americas , they were points in history were the perceptions of the people (those in power & indeed those wanting to be in power) that they faced an impassable situation that could'nt be adressed without a complete change down to structure in society. ,i realize that's very general in summary,and there was a tragic human cost in all three examples,russia taking first place)

Going off history , could it not be argued that as of right now , the key catalyst's for any major change ( historically) are in place? Financial ruin,an enviroment where the majority feels thier government is failing and the like are all key triggers for civil unrest.

Also it's worth noting (and this has been discussed in view of the middle east unrest by many commentators) that with the introduction of social media these groups can spread thier message further and quicker than ever before . In the past rallies have been organized within the community of unrest (example ,vietnam war protests of the 60's were usually organized through university/student groups,a relativly small contact demographic) but now with the likes of facebook/twitter these groups can acess a vast number of people reguardless of personal links .In that i'd say further ,not only are a series of events (now and unfolding) in place that leads to fundamental political change,but equally as important the means for this change have never before been so acsessable.

I've been to the odd rally and it's always struck me during speaches that it's not me you have to convince ,i'm here ,im sold ,it's the conservative demographic ,and i'll refer back to my previous post in relation to the greens . Where the greens have been smart (or lucky) is that they present an alternative (and in the context of conservation,a radical alternative) that's acessable ,meaning with a shift in public perception of issues that are important to them ,there already in place as a party that everyone can vote for . It's hard to vote for occupy wall street no matter how much you agree with it .

I'd also say that it would be very much the right time for a thrid party in America , if people can stage occupy movements , why can't they present a cantidate ,find thier own spin doctors/advertising campain and play the game.I think in my example of Australian politics it's obvious that if the alternative party is in place ,not only is it adventagous to capiltalise in a development of shift in voter consisnous, but also to safeguard against a rise in a politcical movement even more determentail. (is it a long bow to draw in saying that 1932 germany had the seeds to become something differnt than it did,but the alternative presented the loudest was the one the majority flocked to ,not because it was better ,but because it offered hope?) and from that time , Chamberlin made a remark close to :evil flourish's when good men sit by and do nothing, to me that sentiment is forever relevant.

To summerize i believe that in our lifetimes this moment in America will present .With everything it's timing and choices offered , it's my sincere hope that the "right" change (or indeed the "left" change) is the one that is opitunistic enough to be taken.I've often thought ,as Hellstromm stated ,that people don't care enough,as a people were not just on the road to ruin ,we've turned it into a double laned highway,and while i fully appriciate my argument is optimistic to say the least ,dare i say hopeful ,isn't that one of the redeeming features of humanity? , in that ,when we are in crisis,no matter how badly we were at fault on the road to that crisis , we are capable of great integrity and true nobilty. I for one (and i believe im one of many ) am not ready to trade my hope for resignation.
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The rise of the third party is interesting, though it needs more publicity. Perhaps perspective game changers should advertise their anti-SOPA/PIPA-ness and say how Congress is corrupt for proposing such an insidious bill blah blah blah....and then win some seats in the legislature.....sound feasible?


A third party in the US is almost impossible right now. The electoral college was not set up to handle 3 parties and will almost make certain that it does not come about.

Yes, Democracy is and capitalism are toxic, but that does not mean that some superhero mutant will not rise from it.