Tumbleweed took the barkeeps hand, and shook it firmly. His mind was yet again playing tricks on him, at his age, this happened quite frequently. No problem, he thought, a few more bounties collected, a few more good investments with the money, and he would retire.
He looked around the saloon, saw mostly men, some gambling, some drinking, some doing nothing but looking off into the distance, thinking God knows what.
Enough. He rose from his stool, looked at the barkeep and then at the remaining silver dollars, and left the saloon. Time for business with the local law enforcement folks, see what work, if any, needs to be done. He will come back to the saloon for a nightcap, and off to a room somewhere to rest before heading out to work. He thought about having a woman's company tonite, but none seen, and being tired, decided perhaps another time. Since his wife passed, he longed for the company of a female, just conversation at first, mind you.
On his way out of the saloon, Tumbleweed never bothered to look at the men on the way out. For all he knew, he might see them again, if they had a price on their head, though he got paid by the ear...