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Intro to RPing RP

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 819397
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Chloe turned when she heard Regal talk to the stranger. She had been preoccupied thinking about her late husband, and had barely noticed his entrance. She smiled and waited to hear his reply, as she didn't want to interrupt. The smell of the cigar started to filter over to where she was seated, and she breathed deeply. It reminded her of her late husband, Jim, and while she waited to hear more about the young man, she drifted into fond memories....


Zem sat at the back of the saloon, sipping a soothing glass of gin. There was an intermittent cough coming from his area as well, a result of a cold he'd been having off and on recently. He glanced up as the newcomer entered the saloon, Regal giving the usual welcoming spiel. "Welcome newcomer." Before he could continue, he was broken off by a fit of coughing, "Stick around, check out the Active RPers thread to see a list of RPs currently open for action."


As Regal finished introducing himself, Hurakan nodded in agreement to the barkeep "Thank you Regal, the names Hurakan. I have been working odd jobs to the west of here and it became a bit to tiresome for my liking. That's when I heard about a place where people get together and tell stories, it seemed like an interesting place so I figured I would set out in search of it." He spoke in a slow deep voice one would expect to hear from an ancient tree... if a tree could talk. As Hurakan concluded with an order of whiskey and another deep draw from his cigar there came a greeting and tell of the place he was seeking from a patron in the back of the saloon. He turned to see who had addressed him and there sat a man sipping a clear drink who appeared to be unwell as he had a slight cough. Hurakan leaned back against the bar and crossed his feet and said "Thank you. The name is Hurakan, I didn't get your name."


Chloe observed the newcomer, and listened while he spoke of some of his history. He seemed like a nice enough young man. She enjoyed listening to his deep voice. "Hi Hurakan, my name is Chloe, and you are welcome here." Chloe was a bit worried about Zem's cough. "Zem dear, I think I need to make you some chicken soup, and cough syrup. Do take care of yourself."


Hurakan situated himself against the bar as he looked intently at the man and then he heard a comforting welcome from Chloe. She seemed a caring lady, offering to tend to the mans cough. "Thank you very much, it is a pleasure to meet you Chloe." He then gave a glance at the man wondering if it was something serious that ailed him. "I must say I am impressed with the hospitality given to me. It is a breath of fresh air to enjoy such good company."


Chloe thought Zem needed to take better care of himself. He laughed and called out "I'm fine Chloe, I've lived through being shot twice, I can take a measly cold." He turned his head back to a notebook, slightly tattered, which was merely labelled Irulia. The current page was turned to could dimly be made out by anyone looking over his shoulder as reading "Ultimate One Conversations" with a bunch of half written paragraphs. If any such person were to attempt to discern the contents, however, Zem would swiftly snap the book shut before the person could figure anything out.

Deleted User - 819397

Regal listened to the man, whose name was Hurakan, as he poured his whiskey, handing it over smoothly. We're glad to have you among us…it's been a while since we've had a newcomer. Mostly it's just us eight here…always nice to get a fresh face." He nodded as Zem mentioned that the Active RPer/RP thread was the place to check out which stories people could jump in on. "Yep, I have a list set up there that explains what level of, well, not difficulty, but rather how much experience with this kind of thing I'd recommend for the RP, along with who to contact for details on joining up…most of them are fairly friendly for all experiences…I'm fairly strict about only letting people join Tiran if they've been around a while, as that one's been going on for just about three years now, and it's run a little differently than the others. As for the other one I'm running, The Chains of Arunsia, or CoA for short…well, it's a bit more of a challenge than the others as I'm not afraid to kill people off if they make too many dumb choices, as well as it being a very dark (literally and metaphorically) story…but if you're interested I have a way to get you into the story without necessarily running around blind. Speaking of which," here Regal's attention moved to Zem, his eyes alight with some sort of mischievousness as he worked on his Irulia papers, "I may be willing to trade a secret from your files there for one from this…" here he pulled out a small notebook with the words "Dark Fantasy RP" on the front, with a single word, "Arunsia" under it. Clearly he had decided on the type of story before managing a name for it. Regal wouldn't really swap secrets…he loved having to adapt to the story as it unfolded before him, and everything he kept in the notebook that he hadn't shared with the players was for a reason…he was just curious to see the other man's reaction to the proposal.


Zem heard as Regal commented on his mentioning of the Active Thread to Hurakan. He wrote a bit more and then lifted his head as the bartender offered a swap, Irulia for Arsunia info. Zem laughed quickly and said "My dear friend, where would be the fun in that?" He then turned back to his book, crossed something out, and wrote a bit more.


Name: Autumneverlast (Aut or Autumn for short)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Role: Newcomer
Bio: A collector of stories, Autumn has spent much of his life wandering. As someone who often sits just outside the light campfires and simply listens to the tales being told, he has little experience telling his own and is often quiet and thoughtful where others may be talkative. He also happens to be a huge dork if you get him talking about something he finds interesting.
Autumn strode into the town alone, as he usually did. His cloak and boots were coated with a layer of dust and the simple shirt and trousers he wore had seen better days. His hood remained up, keeping most of his face hidden in shadow. He strode through the buildings towards his destination: the town's lone saloon.

Smiling at the laughter and chatter of close friends enjoying a drink, he paused just outside the door to the saloon. Autumn had made his way to this town by the directions of a friend and now found himself checking the note to make sure he was in the right place. The note was simple, containing only Go West and Campfire Tavern in neat, typed lettering, signed only -R.

His friend had told him there were good stories to be had here. New stories. And if there were a few mistakes, they were at least the honest attempts of those looking to improve their work. This could be a good place.

Autumn waited for a lull in the conversation and quietly slipped into the tavern, pulled up a stool at the bar, and asked in a quiet voice "Could I get some water?"


"Why is it always water?" the dark clad man asked more to himself that to any of the others within the room "Every time someone new comes in they always ask for water"he continued with a rueful shake of his head. The man was of average height with long dark hair and dark eyes that seemed to have the ability to stare into a mans soul. Dressed in equally dark and threadbare clothing and boots he had gotten the casual look to a fine art as he lounged in a chair in the corner "Regal...get the new boy your special drink...the one where you get your eyesight back in a day or two" he said chuckling softly before turning his attention to the new boy in question "Hi I am Braetwalda though most call me Braet...what brings you to our small corner of the world?"


Well-Known Member
Apel looked up from his seat on a high table beside the bar curiously, as a cloaked stranger strode into the Saloon. He listened in silence to Braet's comments, before placing his whiskey down on the table. "I can't remember what I first ordered when I came in here, but perhaps it was water too... Even so, water is the...cautious choice, right? You have to be prepared to handle whatever might come your way in this...strange Saloon..." After that, he stayed silent until the man had received which ever drink Regal decided to give to him. Once this was achieved, however, he spoke again, "Nice to meet you. I'm Apelatia, though like Braet, I have a shortened version to my name which most use. That's Apel."


Autumn swept back his hood and turned to face the rest of the saloon, revealing short dark hair with patches of grey over a youthful face. He nodded to both of the men who greeted him, obvious regulars to the bar and replied, "Autumn, or Aut for short. I just happened to be passing through and thought this might be a good place to stop." He smiled cautiously. "If it happens to be a strange place, it's an even better place to stop."

He turned back to the bar to pick up his drink and took a swig from the glass, then coughed and choked a little before putting his drink back down. "Some awful strong water, here. Does our barkeep happen to be Russian?"

Deleted User - 819397

It had been impossible to make out the newcomer from behind the bar, so Regal had complied with Braet's suggestion, figuring that he could always give the figure a water as well if he didn't find the stronger beverage to his liking. However, when the man took his hood off, a wide smile spread across the bartender's face, and he stepped around to clap the newcomer on his shoulder. "Glad to see you made it, Autumn. I wasn't sure if I'd got the right balance between cryptic and informative, but it appears I was right on. I hope the road was good to you?" He smoothly swept the drink he'd given his friend off the counter, knowing he wasn't partial to such things, replacing it with a full glass of water in another purposeful motion. "Everyone, Autumn is a good friend of mine, though I haven't seen him in a while as we parted ways about three years back."

Regal fell silent for a moment, still smiling slightly, then spoke up. "So, I'm sure you've taken a quick look around town…you were always thorough…anything catching your eye that you want to become a part of?"


Autumn scowled up- at Regal. "If you had been a little more informative and less cryptic, I wouldn't have spent the last year visiting random towns out here in the hopes that they'd know where to find the Campfire Saloon. I ended up here more or less by chance." He then took a short sip of the new drink in front of him to make sure this really was water. "But the road really was good to me. I ran into plenty of groups during my travels who were willing to share a fire and some stories."

Autumn took a long drink from his glass. "In regards to anything catching my eye, I haven't been around town long. Had to make sure that this really was the Campfire Saloon before I spent too much time looking around. What's open for a newcomer?"

Deleted User - 819397

Regal grinned as Autumn complained about his message. "Oh, you know you loved it…you enjoy hearing peoples' stories…I figured you'd wind up here sooner or later, and I'm sure you're better for the experience. I'm glad the road treated you well though…it's hard to tell these days."

At this point the bartender fell silent until his friend spoke up, asking what might be available for him to join. "Well, this is where you'll want to look for the generic information…for specifics you'll want to talk to the person running that specific story via a one on one. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer those for you." With that, Regal made a generic gesture and returned to cleaning the glass he'd been working on, unsure how to continue.


Name: Tumbleweed, or just plain Tumble, thx !
Age: Senior Citizen, just let it go at that pls
Gender: Male, very male
Role: Newcomer, primarily a businessman
Bio: Retired Military, now a semi-retired businessman, a gamer for hobby, tired of the medeval stuff, looking for something new, as variety is indeed the spice of life. A communicator, likes to write.

Tumbleweed opened the doors to the saloon slowly. He was used to and liked the smell of dust. The floorboards creaking was the only sound heard, as all inside became quiet to take a good look at him. They especially eyed his nice looking suit. This was a man of wealth !

He eyed where the bar was and advanced toward it confidently. He noticed the beautiful dark eyes of the woman tending the bar. He smiled and said "Whiskey please"

The mistress of the bar, named Alawa, reached for the usual local stuff, and Tumble, noticing this, interjected "make it Canadian".

Alawa raised an eyebrow at this. A man, a gentleman, of taste. Finally. I like this stranger.

She gave him his drink, his eyes said thank you to her dark brown eyes. He reached into his vest pocket, and laid several silver dollars on the bar, to show his tab would be paid in full and then some. Another raised eyebrow from Alawa...


Well-Known Member
The entrance of another stranger in such a short space of time caught Apel's attention. As Regal seemed to be quite engaged with the other new entrant, he decided that it might be an apt time for him to fulfill his duty as backup barkeeper properly. Moving from his chair, he made to go behind the bar, intending to greet the male incomer. It was to his surprise, however, when the man began to talk to the ghost of a certain Alawa, who responded back to the man with eyebrow movement and fulfilled requests. Partially amused by the man's behaviour, he picked up one of the silver dollars that had been laid on the counter, before introducing himself. "Greetings, it seems that I am destined to be the bringer of bad news... Alawa is no longer with us permanently, though it seems that her ghost still comes and goes as it pleases... What else can you expect? It is Halloween time after all..." A slight smile set on his face, he continued, "I am Apelatia, or Apel. it's nice to meet you. If I may offer some tips to you. Round these parts, we tend to stick to controlling our own selves during a dialogue. Unless one is the OP of a role-play, then the general rule of thumb is 'one character'. There are exceptions to this, but in this case, I am certain that the real Alawa is not with us, and that if she was, she would not entirely appreciate having her words chosen by another..." Having finished, he proffered a hand over the counter, hoping that the man would take it. Then perhaps, conversation could continue...
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Tumbleweed took the barkeeps hand, and shook it firmly. His mind was yet again playing tricks on him, at his age, this happened quite frequently. No problem, he thought, a few more bounties collected, a few more good investments with the money, and he would retire.

He looked around the saloon, saw mostly men, some gambling, some drinking, some doing nothing but looking off into the distance, thinking God knows what.

Enough. He rose from his stool, looked at the barkeep and then at the remaining silver dollars, and left the saloon. Time for business with the local law enforcement folks, see what work, if any, needs to be done. He will come back to the saloon for a nightcap, and off to a room somewhere to rest before heading out to work. He thought about having a woman's company tonite, but none seen, and being tired, decided perhaps another time. Since his wife passed, he longed for the company of a female, just conversation at first, mind you.

On his way out of the saloon, Tumbleweed never bothered to look at the men on the way out. For all he knew, he might see them again, if they had a price on their head, though he got paid by the ear...


Name: Johann Maximus (just Johann)
Age: varies
Gender: Male
Role: Regular
Bio: Johann had RPed before the West. He found his way the Campfire Section long ago, so long he doesn’t even remember if it was by accident or if someone had invited him. What he does know is that he has really liked it here and has stayed for over a half decade. He hasn’t really found time to make it to the Campfire Saloon, but was in the area, so why not stop in for a drink?

The sound of a straight four could be heard pulling up next to the saloon. A UAZ 469 had pulled up, dull green in colour and wearing an old insignia on the side. As the engine cut off, and the headlights were turned off, some unfamiliar face was walking out of the bar. Johann, wearing strichtarn with blue shoulderboards and a blue side cap, watched as he left. When did they get new people? Was he even new? Johann hadn’t been to this particular saloon; he had always sent in his posts through various means of communication (currently an old military field telephone). But, he figured that since he was nearby, he might as well visit the saloon and say hello to the group.

He entered, the place filled with regulars, and a new person. He seemed to know Regal; they were chatting like old friends. Apple was behind the counter, covering for the chatty Regal. “Apple,” Johann called out, voice thick with a Sachsen accent. “I’m in the mood for some JSB Vodka. Got any in stock?” Johann didn’t doubt that the bar would have his desired brand; this place seemed to magically have everything a person could want to drink. “Anyway, I’ve been looking at it, and I think I can swing OPing an RP. How’s ‘80s magic investigation sound?”


"Interesting" Replied Braet from his corner, his thoughts momentarily dragged away from his post apocalyptic musings and the location of RAF Wyton "are we talking people investigating magic or people with magic investigating stuff?" he asked leaning back in his chair as he did so in order to place a pair of worn dark brown boots upon the table in front of him.
It had gotten rather busy here as of late for some reason with the arrival of two newcomers though whether they would remain here for long was yet to be seen.
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