(sorry for the delay on posting…I've been super busy and been trying to tackle one RP a night)
Regal smiled as Dimmae walked in. "It's been ages! Good to see you again…you haven't been around since Ghosts ended, right?" He ignored the situation with Catherine, as it didn't seem to involve him much. "Well, I can say that anything you were in would likely not be able to be revived, and it tends to be a bit more trouble than it's worth to try…Ghosts was a good example…we all wanted that one back up, but it didn't get much farther than a limping pace, and it died rather quickly. Plus with multiple people gone from your time here…David, James, Peril, etc…it'd be nigh on impossible to get things kicking there. You're more than welcome to sign up for anything new though, of course…Tiran excluded, as that one's an experiment with a joint OP style, and I'd rather not add more people playing on that one if at all possible right now. Otherwise though, I think everything's open, right guys?" He projected to the room at large at the last one, taking the ensuing thought to continue his work.