idea for towns


i was thinking you could buy extra land near your town and build all buildings or fields around were u have bought land you could have barbedwire round and put watch towers up and other towns attack

so each town has war sort of

with the trains u could build train tracks to your allys so u can aid them if their going 2 be attacked and send supplies to them quick

and with the rivers u could have people trying 2 cross in 2 your town by that acting like spys or comes and kills people

after putting barbedwire round u could make gates so trains and riders can get past

u should be able 2 put your own wall/barbedwire and gates/watchtowers were u want so they could be a drop down bar with thows building bits on

and with the hotels u could have half of the cut from who ever stayed in the hotel $5 to the towns people $5goes 2no1
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The $5 dollars goes into the treasury, that way its not kept by any player.


putting up barbed wire etc makes it too much like a rpg version of TW.. the idea is to use the town as a home not a fortress