I had a dream


I had a dream. In that dream, a dark statue came to me, and I heard it calling : "Ormitoryx!".

"Who are you, milady?", I asked.

"Don't you recognize me, my son? I'm the one that awaits at the end of every road. I'm the one you served so faithfully all your life. I end the suffering and bring the eternal peace."

And then I bowed to her and made my ears ready.
"I grew tired of this world, so bustling with life, so noisy and so dirty. I need you to build me a town. You will find the preachers for me. The preachers with mercifull blades, with guns singing my glory. I need you to bring peace and my blessing upon this land."

And so I promised: to bring peace, where is anxiety, to bring ultimate equality, where is tyranny, to bring her blessing where the cancerous blossom of life poisons the eternal tranquility.

And here I am, wandering through this wild realm, looking for the disciples of Dark Lady. If a blade dances for her in your hands, if your gun eagerly jumps out of it's causy lair at her every command - come to House of Rueben, join me.