how to get golden indian necklace? not sold in town yet sold in others?


Ok, I'm trying to get a golden indian necklace. my current towns shop doesnt carry one yet the general store is level 5. Do i simply need to wait or aska builder in the town if they can make one or do i need to get a temp invite to another town that is selling one? sorry new to dropping my town or what to do to shop from another town thanks!


Personally I think it's a lot easier to just save money and buy one :)


It's only $660, not exactly something you have to save up for. Most people will be doing the quest anyway. If you can do with without the golden Indian necklace, you might as well wait.


I was planning what items to buy recently, and worked out that if I got the golden indian necklace, I'd be able to hunt coyotes and almost buffalo too. But all I get for that is another golden necklace :blink:

I'm level 40 adventurer/trader, so not good at hunting :sad:

I'll just wait till I get some more gear I suppose ;)


I was planning what items to buy recently, and worked out that if I got the golden indian necklace, I'd be able to hunt coyotes and almost buffalo too. But all I get for that is another golden necklace :blink:

Hunt coyotes is a decent XP job (depending on your level) and hunting buffalo is a good XP job regardless of level. Quests aren't the only reason to do jobs.