Highest Town Win/KO Percentages


This thread is just for fun, but if some PvP comes out of it, then all the better!

I'm interested to see what type of percentage of duels won, and how many of those wins were KO's.

I'll run through my town to show you (I'm not a dueller so have contributed to exactly none of these KO's!):

Dead Can Dance I
All duels: 4219
Duels won: 2701
KO's: (or "passed out opponants") 217

So, we have a duels won percentage of 64%
And a KO (of duels won) percentage of 8%

For those who don't know how to work it out: [spoil]
To work out Duels Won Percentage:
Duels Won divided by All Duels and then multiply the answer by 100.

To work out KO's of Duels Won Percentage:

KO's divided by Duels Won and then multiply the answer by 100. [/spoil]
What does your town have?
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Statistics of the town WANTED

All duels 8016
Duels won 5104 (63%)
Duels lost 2912
Difference 2192

Passed-out opponents 655 (7.79%)
Passed-out members 412

Down with DCD, WANTED forever!!!

Percentages the same basically, but we have way more wins and KOs (-=


Yeah, you've had a LOT more duels too.

It's always hard to compare though, with us both having so many towns. Still interesting that the percentages are around the same though.


We have 19 towns and are about to add another one, how many forts do you guys have? We have 4 at the moment between our whole town alliance. Starting off slow then adding on later.


On W2, none. We are allied with Gomorra's fort.

On W5 we have 4.