High level crafting.


If anyone here is interrested to be the proud owner of Medecine man`s tomahawk,
send me a telegram and start gathering the products that is needed and I will do it almost free
The process will take 4 weeks if I don`t have anyone in stock atm.
(could also trade one for Stranger`s colt, that is the weapon you get from blacksmiths)

Message me ingame with the same name for a deal, first come = first serve :cool:

168 Tobacco
096 Berries
072 Wood
035 Fool`s gold
034 Glass of water
024 Cigarettes
020 Hay
019 Lotus blossom
015 Granite
014 Sulfuric rock
012 Oil
012 Snake skin
003 Jug
003 Saw
003 Peace flower
003 Cotton
002 Hammer
001 Cobra teeth
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Same deal for Harper's axe. Just i don't trade it for other weapons, i only need products for crafting.

140 Beans
004 Chopping board
043 Coal
001 Cooking pot
002 Corn
040 Granite blocks
001 Habanero chilli
008 Hams
004 Hammers
004 Knife
040 Steel
008 T-Bone steak