has affirmative action gone too far?


"David, you should recheck your figures." ~Hellstormm

Thank you for THAT bit of advice. Now as for the rest of your spew, I ignored it.

I see what the problem is, which is ofcourse making all of you guys piss your pants and scream for mommy...

I went by the American Population numbers, since the graph provided no information on how many people are actually in gangs.

I looked up the estimated gang population and got http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang 900,000.

900,000 gang members are active. (300,000,000 is the entire US population, rofl!)

It turns out Gizmo is wrong, and a majority of gang members are from the Majority race. Now, I am not posting any math because you ungrateful nuns will chew at it, so find your own math!


but it still turns out that the city was wrong in what they did. which brings us back to the first post.


A 5/4 vote in a conservative dominated court is actually surprising. I would have expected 7/2. So, no... I would say the conservative influence allowed the case to flip, and go against precedent.


John he's just creaming his jeans that the court reversed a lower court decision. the decision however does not address whether the test was "fair". It basically said since the test existed as a requirement for promotion the possible "disparate impact" on various ethnic groups was irrelevant, and that fear of a lawsuit from the minority members was not a valid reason for voiding the results. HOWEVER, this doesn't address whether the test is biased or not and now it behooves the minority members who did not pass to bring the suit they would have (possibly) brought in the first place.


no you'd have to be some form of ellipse as you lack a point.

ob⋅tuse  [uhb-toos, -tyoos]
1.not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.