granger pass?

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I would but, no specht en duesche. The two replies I have gotten back I could not fathom a guess as to what they mean and did not feel like doing a google translate.


Why do you hate him so much? Seems to me, all his 50 workers are banned from multi-accounting. I don't think there's any more to be done.


kroesus, back off bro.
Let it be, they cheated, they got enough punishment.

After all the hard work we guys put in, I can understand your indignation, but sometimes, it's just better to let go.


Why do you hate him so much? Seems to me, all his 50 workers are banned from multi-accounting. I don't think there's any more to be done.

Despise would be a more apropros word. Those who stray outside the bounds ruin the quality of the game for those who remain within its constraints. It is a constant battle to keep cheats from prospering. It has alway been my position, the more public and severe the punishment for those who are caught, the greater deterrent effect it wil have on those considering such abuse of the game. A smack on the hand only encourages such behavior.


Some how I dont think he was banned for hotel bug
Only for severe multiaccounting

If he was using the hotel bug he would have maxed much sooner then he did, but he ended being fairly balanced with every other town


"..but he ended being fairly balanced with every other town"

Does kylehaury pay you?
Or do you actually 'believe' that line?

Either way, I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes.


"..but he ended being fairly balanced with every other town"

Does kylehaury pay you?
Or do you actually 'believe' that line?

Either way, I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes.

But my shoes are remarkably comfortable
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