Goldenfields, SISU County: a strong community


Hi everyone looking for a town.

I reckon the most important thing when choosing a town is to find one when the people there have roughly the same philosophy towards gameplay as you (generally speaking).

Goldenfields' philosophy is displayed in our message-board, part of which is displayed here:

We have room for players of any level or class providing they:

-come into Arizona at least 3-4 times a week
-respond to telegrams in a timely way
-participate in town projects like building and forums
-obey the no-attacking-workers rule

Town Hall level 10, shops around 5-6, hotel 3

We're friendly and non-confrontational (as a rule). If this sounds like you, or if you have any questions, please contact our Town Founder JCLove for an invitation.

p.s. we're in the middle of square 3-across, 3-down (SISU County), just south of the big town's in the middle.