

There's a saying:

"You have plenty of friends when you're celebrating,but not so many when you're in trouble"
I believe in some cases or most,this is very true.

I've realised not so long ago,that people I consider friends,are more of an enemy to me.
Now I decided to slowly brake the relations with them.I wanted to stay blind for some time, and tolerate,ignore things they did behind my back.

"You should choose your company and friends wisely"-This is true,but sometimes you don't have the choice-People come literaly masked to hide their dark side(their real face),wich eventually shows to be stronger than the bright side.

What do you do when you realise things like this?When you see that your friends have abandoned you a long time ago,but you realised this now?

For me,the best answer would be to brake the bond inside.The things you tell them,you do in the "real world"don't really have the effect,at least not anymore.My "best weapon"was to make a purpose,an intention,deep inside.And guess what?It really has given results.

I am really not too much of a social person,I always loved being alone.I didn't depend on anyone,and I still dont.
People would just get in my way.It's nice to have friends,but to find real ones,you'll need to begin a long journey.I haven't yet did that.I guess I'm just to tired,both from the outside and inside.

But not everything is always this dark and black.There are people you really can love,care and you would get the same.Those people are rare,but once you find them,you have a friend for life.Right now,my real friend is my mum.:laugh:
I believe you all understand.:)
If not,you can just say I'm crazy,you wont miss.:laugh:

"We can't survive without friends,those who do,aren't really surviving,but are struggling.Some are just egocentric,thinking they don't need anyone,only themselfs".-A good friend of mine said this once.

This was partly my story,and partly the most things that happen to people.
What I want to hear,are your experiences with this,your opinions on friends.


I don't bother with people who are not truly friends. In many cases, I end up with people who pose as my friends because they want to use me. Those are the worst, because they make it very hard for you to get rid of them. But I have had some people in my life I still consider friends, despite never seeing them again due to distance, or having already attended their funeral. It's real friendships that don't require affirmation.


For me a friend is more a definition than any given person. I don't think it's right to have friends, but not be one. So, some humble thoughts on qualities I like to see and reciprocate in my friendships.

~ Someone who will stop whatever they're doing when a friend's in need
~ Accepts both graces and faults without question
~ Understands how a friend's day is going without having to ask
~ Listens always, and counsels only when asked
~ Forgives transgressions, and apologizes for wrongs

Hrm... not a whole lot. There's more nuiance to that I guess, but it's what immediately jumped out at me. I'm also a firm believer in, if they're not your friends, be it because they're strangers, or it just wasn't ever meant to be... there's no reason you can't afford them the same respect as you expect in return. If they're incapable of that little simple thing, you're better off not knowing them anyway.


I'm not very quick to consider a person a friend, so I've never had that problem. I have a few "friends" and many what I call "friendly acquaintances". I still have contact with the person who was my best friend when we were 6, and saw the other friend from then a few years ago. I talked to the one who was my best friend when we were 14 after not seeing each other for 22 years, and she told me she still tells people that I'm her best friend. The people I have in my life now that I consider to be friends have all been friends for over 20 years; one has been for close to 40.