Forum Words - Slang


This is a list of words and or acronyms used by us role-players.

There is no real order, yet. Just as they come.

RP - Roleplay, used to either signify the forum or a thread

Thread - topic

OOC - out of character

IC - in character

noob, n00b, etc - self explanatory. And we will call you out, noobs.

ICT - in character thread

OOCT - out of character thread

RPer - one who avidly posts in the role-play forum

Pulling a Vaygar - making something to awesomely overpowered that words do not describe it

Wall'o'text - a massive post that takes a very long time to read

NPC - Non-player character

NPN - Non-player nation

Retcon - going back and changing something that was previously official in the story

Recap - a brief re-telling of a story that's usually too long for readers to go through the whole thing

Pulling an Ory - making things about 500-5000 times bigger than needed and/or expected

God Modding - making things overpowered. Godmodders usually are to poor to realize they suck


WTF? That sounds more like an inside thing.

I prefer the old school "Monty Haul" or "Munchkin" Campaign. Are you sure that isn't supposed to be "godmoding" as in "godmode"?

I know what you mean with the Pulling an ory, But thats what people are using these days.

When i said godmode i meant as if in my thread Big Fight set in the western somehow a nuke happened? thats god modding only the thread owner can do that.

I Don't make the rules i just write them

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
you forgot Newbie

Newbie=one who is new and willing to learn

Newbie=The opposite of a noob.

Noob=One who is new and either unwilling to learn or who has not yet realized they could be getting out of this phase by doing something non-noobish.

Noobish=Something simple that is done in a hard or complex way; something that falls below normal or 'cool' expectations.


LOL = laugh out loud

[[i think we should put sum chat slang too^^]]


avie = avatar



Justin Michael = A short way of writing about three lines' worth of laughter.
ELMYR: Justin Michael! That was hilarious!

Oisinallen = The strongest positive adjective in the world.
JORDON: I think Angel is Oisinallen.


Onionism (ON)= pro onion religion

anti-onion (AO) = te vampires religion


Onionism (ON)= pro onion religion

anti-onion (AO) = te vampires religion

Correct me if Im wrong Angel... I thot vampires are anti-garlic and not onions?

Strings of garlic and silver crosses ^^

Oh well, as for forum slang.... hmmm...

QFT? Quoted for truth is one I see used fairly often.


ok then

Anti - Onion = for witches :D

lol! ^^

Lets throw in a couple of poisonous toads and a few hairy spiders along with the onions into the witches brew!

*and serve it to all the guys* teeheehee.... *evil witch laugh*

Join us in the brewing, Violette ^^


gee..but i think im not goin to serve for te special boys....they deserve sumthing!!! hihihihih *witch laugh*

BAck to topic:

JR = john rose
Woody = westwood
PA = poisonApple

uhm violette? where are you?