Fort Hood, TX


A mental doctor in Fort Hood, went into the base and started shooting at people. They asked him why he did it and he said that their were making fun of his religion. Now muslims are scared of anti-muslims are going to chase them out of America.

What is your opinion on what the government should do.


The government should do? Nothing. What happened here was an incident of a psychiatrist gone nuts (not so atypical btw). The failure was in the military's part, for having received the warning signs (his earlier incidents and behaviors), and yet not acting on them.


I'm with Hellstromm here, the issue is one of mental health, not religion.


13 people gunned down. Okay, let's clarify that a bit...13 SOLDIERS gunned down. Let's clarify that a bit more... 13 SOLDIERS gunned down ON A MILITARY BASE.

I want to hear more about those pro-gun arguments. After Seung-hui Cho went on his killing spree at Virginia Tech, I kept hearing gun advocates say that students and faculty should be allowed to carry guns on campus and that those students and faculty would have been able to deal with Seung-hui Cho.

Now we have 13 people killed on a military base by someone going postal. Are you going to argue that these soldiers didn't have access to guns? That they weren't properly trained to be able to use them? Please, explain to me how guns are such a great defense...

Oh, and yes, even though many, many people have gone postal who are Christian, what is going to come out of this case is that Muslims are evil... Nutjobs are not exclusive to any religion or lack thereof.


The issue is mental health, not religion, and I believe most Americans have taken this view, I have not heard any anti-Islamic slurs refering to this, and many mosque and Muslims have denounced his actions.

It as due to Psychological, not Religious issues. The government should not interfere with this. The military should do its own investigations ... and no ... the military does not equal government.


Now we have 13 people killed on a military base by someone going postal. Are you going to argue that these soldiers didn't have access to guns? That they weren't properly trained to be able to use them? Please, explain to me how guns are such a great defense...
Hi Adelei, not sure if you were ever in the military, or ever stationed on a military base, but soldiers are not allowed to be armed, unless they are on specific actions, such as military police, or unless they run the military base, or any particular section of the base, like the General of the base, or Company Battalion commander (but only within the boundaries of his Battalion area, unless he received authorization from the Base Commander).

So, not a good argument.


And off-topic as well. The original question was not about gun control, but rather (I think) about freedom of religion within the armed services.
It would be unconstitutional to discriminate against soldiers based on their religion, but perhaps this could lead to muslim soldiers facing more intense psychological screening than their christian colleagues.


Hi Adelei, not sure if you were ever in the military, or ever stationed on a military base, but soldiers are not allowed to be armed, unless they are on specific actions, such as military police, or unless they run the military base, or any particular section of the base,
My Question Is how did the physicist Get the gun at first? How did No body see him grabbing the gun and loading it?

I think this is a mistake by the military IMHO.
They lost 13 soliders that day, That is 13 more we could have been putting out into war so they could be helping us.


It is a mistake by the military (btw, he was a psychiatrist, not a physicist). The military had plenty of warnings about this guy, but instead of acting on any of it, they actually dropped investigations.