Finding a way to fuse version 1 with 2


Apparently world 1 just got upgraded to version 2, implementing the character classes and removing the self-choice avatar settings.

To be blunt, I am not happy having wasted all of my attributes and skill points on Charisma and never getting to use the avatar I wanted. I am also not happy that the avatar I choose now will stick with me forever, and that the better-looking ones are not in a class I'd like to join.

Therefore I'd like to suggest that an "avatar shop" of sorts be made, where it allows you to get the old avatars by means of the same way it took originally, by reaching a certain level in required skills/attributes. Also, implement a title for the class a player is in, which will make it easier to have the avatar of your choice yet still let others know what you truly are.



They upgraded it? I ******* **** *** ************* *******!


i am to alittle disappointed. maybe this can be a feature in the future.


yes i was annoyed about being stuck with the same avatar but i accpet being stuck with the same character class, as you do that on other games.


Maybe they could make an option for like 1 premium point a year. You can have a custom avatar.
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Wow, at least the Trapper has some good advantages.

But no classes have disadvantages :(


Black Jack, I see you working on the rail road near the "Ghost town" New York. (Experience *****! :p) I am just south of you fixing fences or prospecting even further south of you as I don't have the labor skills to lay tracks on this world.

I don't know if you will be able to get your avator requests... hopefully they work something out to be fair. I find this game is very unbalanced and unstable at the moment. I have been aiming to get skills to complete quests (waiting for skill points so I can hunt turkeys and money to buy a donkey at the moment) instead of working at jobs that yield higher experience.

We will just have to see how things turn out in this game!