Extremophile Dueling


Has this happened on any other world? Where players decides; "OK I'm not going to beat players of a certain build I'm just gonna hope they don't duel me?" and specialises. For example Hoooa has pretty much said to me after camping me this morning, that he is targetting players with high reflex. This is where being ranked goes bad. That said had I have been wearing a Mexican Bandana rather than a Green Tie I'm pretty sure I'd have beaten him before he figured out my dodge/aim settings. Tough guys, you know what to do!

My old mucker Phonebook has respecced quite substantially of late it seems to only attack melee duelers by the looks of things, now ranked quite high in vigor & toughness! Shooters take note.

I knew I would have to respec at some point to get the benefits of the Soldier quest sequence, Selling Guns to Indians aint gonna happen really is it being melee/resistance. So after that is done, and a fair few other quests, 200 in dodge it is :p don't see any other option.

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What is wrong with you Sn0wLe0pard? I have never seen resistance build cries.


Not crying at all... Quite happy for the attention actually, if I'm online, I doubt you'd beat me, I noticed as soon as I put on the Mexican Bandana you went home pretty quick, this despite the fact a shooter (hotpoint) who had duelled me, with probably no toughness was also camping my town at the time.

Do did you get bored of building to level quick then transfer to dueling did you :) Some of us can play duel from the start.

If players are going to specialise in attacking certain players, if I'm playing to beat everyone, why shouldn't I give the heads up to the players that can beat the players that are specialising to to duel my build? Makes sense doesn't it?
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