Poker Alice
Well-Known Member
The fact is you are not in charge of how the game is marketed. INNO games is.Inno does not run The West in the same way as their other games. that's the whole point. but why would you pay attention to facts, eh?
The fact is you are not in charge of how the game is marketed. INNO games is.Inno does not run The West in the same way as their other games. that's the whole point. but why would you pay attention to facts, eh?
The fact is you are not in charge of how the game is marketed. INNO games is.
Is it not true that INNO has other games and the gaming company uses the same marketing strategy on them? Players are given offers that enable them to receive advantage. They can choose to purchase or continue to play the game for free.True, but it does seem like a fitting name for the countless tombolas, nugget grabs, slight of hand deals that inno are famous for in this game. To be honest, this may be the first honest game world name that I have seen.
And, all of y'all know I am right in that assessment![]()
I really don´t understand why Poker Alice thinks that players are "mean" towards Inno. Obviously everyone loves this game otherwise we wouldn´t play it and all I´ve seen so far was a constructive criticism how to improve the game.indeed. and when I start writing about how I am in charge of it, it will make sense to point this out.
on the other hand, you're saying how The West is run in the same way as FOE or Elvenar. I guess you downloaded The West app and watch commercials for it on TV, just like other games made by Inno. good for you!
I really don´t understand why Poker Alice thinks that players are "mean" towards Inno. Obviously everyone loves this game otherwise we wouldn´t play it and all I´ve seen so far was a constructive criticism how to improve the game.
Is it not true that INNO has other games and the gaming company uses the same marketing strategy on them?
Wrong. Yes it is true as players are given offers that enable them to receive advantage. They can choose to purchase or continue to play the game for, it is not true.
I don't receive a commission and I am not trying to get players to like INNO's business plan.I wonder if poker alice gets commission for trying to get players to like inno's strategy for the west? It's the only logical conclusion I can get to.
Anyway, just like others have pointed out, I've seen advertisements for FoE and Elvenar in Firefox and on Europe TV, but never anything for the-west.
Maybe if they advertised and fixed the many issues caused by power-creep and then therefore outdated formula, we'd get more players.
The constant events, pointless click-click have ruined the game. My second char went into vacation mode. It might be just a matter of time once LV opens and more player attrition happens that I'll join the exodus.
. What I don't want to do is take part in the constant whining on the forum about how the game has been ruined by INNO.
Wrong. Yes it is true as players are given offers that enable them to receive advantage. They can choose to purchase or continue to play the game for free.
Offers in a game is marketing too, marketing to players. Marketing is not just about advertising.
Wrong. Yes it is true as players are given offers that enable them to receive advantage. They can choose to purchase or continue to play the game for free.
Offers in a game is marketing too, marketing to players. Marketing is not just about advertising.
I don't receive a commission and I am not trying to get players to like INNO's business plan.
I have noticed over time on this forum that if you agree with the INNO bashing going on then you will be accepted but don't dare disagree. You will be ridiculed if you do. The truth is the game is managed by INNO and not members.
Therefore as a member if you want to play the game then play it. If not then don't. I'll play the west game in the meadow and try to enjoy it. What I don't want to do is take part in the constant whining on the forum about how the game has been ruined by INNO.
The game is what it is. If the people connected with INNO want to change something they will. Bashing INNO is not constructive and in the past has really accomplished nothing.
@roland jacobs You didn't like what I wrote that I thought it was accomplishing nothing to bash INNO so therefore you choose to attack me. You say I'm blind?
Let's take a look at one issue you are having. Lets consider the number of members in a world to be an issue. According to you and obviously some others members, a world under a thousand(s) people is a world in shambles. You stated this as a fact. Some members want worlds shut down, some want worlds to be merged in order to bring up those numbers, some have suggested having only a couple of worlds, some members don't want new worlds opened, some members want old worlds to continue to exist. Members from world one for example wanted that world to continue suggesting that with the benefit of player comradery the number of players in it was enough to make the world remain enjoyable to them. If you don't believe me you can read what members said about world 1 here
Are you misunderstanding? I am not that interested in debating what INNO should or shouldn't do with their west game. It is fine to have a passion for something but it is another thing as to what you do with that passion. Is passion innovative and constructive or is passion causing harm? You wrote the following, take another look at it please, "we don't want to try to enjoy a broken game". Is it broke? Really? Some members in world 1 didn't think their world was. If you don't want to try to enjoy something then what good is it going to do you or anyone else to bash INNO? It is only speculation on my part but perhaps management does not want to invest anything more in the west game to bring membership numbers up. Perhaps they have other interests. But they do continue to run the game for anyone wishing to try to enjoy an online game. Deal with it.
If members have a lot of passion for a game so as to invite people to it then that is constructive. By looking at any positive attributes that still exist in a game then that would be constructive. Constantly running down the game by calling it broken, bashing INNO or anyone that might like to play the game only serves to drive new members away. That sir is also a fact.
I'm only going by what some members of the remaining 150 players said about their world that they were playing in. Some said they were able to enjoy the game. What roland jabobs wrote was he, "we" don't want to enjoy the game.I wouldn´t bring World 1 as an example of "enjoying the game". As a matter of fact, world 1 is an excellent example of Innogames mismanagement of this game. Not sure if you are aware of it, but Inno announced that world 1 was closing already back in 2017 just to cancel this move after hundreds of accounts already moved out of the world. This is also one of the reasons why it was down to 150 players when they finally closed it this year.
Reyne expressed what she thought of the name, "when you think of Las Vegas, you picture casinos, hotels, live shows, gambling, the Mafia" which clearly fits with what some people on this forum are expressing with their INNO bashing. I don't agree with it nor do I think the same issues being brought up constantly in that way over and over is constructive. I also do not believe it will have any positive outcome.
The topic in this thread is the name that has been voted on for the next world. I preferred another name but have no issue in accepting the meadow as the name for the new world which is being launched tomorrow.