Investigating energy buffs

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
I used a few premium medals today - energy, automation and income. That means my max energy is at 150. If I use an energy buff that gives +15% energy, I should get 150 x 0.15 = 22.5 energy points. I understand that it has to be rounded to a whole number, but just how does that work? My energy was at 0, I used a buff (sleeping bag), energy bar showed 23 energy points, and then I queued 1h of work and my energy dropped to 10. 23-12=11, the last time I checked. It's been like this forever, I know, but WTH? 22.5 means 23 one second, and then it means 22 the next? Where did Innogames' developers learn math?


I think the games calculates NRG on a more precise scale than just integers, and then it rounds it down when it shows it to you.

So if you just got KO'd and use the buff, you'll get 22. But if you rest for a bit, you'll have 0.6nrg (which shows as 0) and using the buff then gives you 22.5+0.6=23.1, which the game shows as 23.

Not sure, but I think this is how it works..

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
This does not explain why the game shows 23, and when you queue 1h work the game shows 10 left. If 22.5 and 0.6 is actually 22 and 0, then show me 22, don't show me 23, but when I use 12 show me that 10 is left.

Sure, it's only 1 energy point, but it is ridiculous. I know it is just one of those small things that will never be repaired, but I picked that one to complain about, and I leave it to others to pick their own complaint ;)

In any case, my premium medal bonus will run out in an hour or so, and I don't think I will ever pay for premium again, so... let's see if I win some medals on the county fair before I complain again :D


Oh, that's a different thing... The nrg bar doesn't always seem to update properly even when sleeping: sometimes it changes when I set a job, or open the character window..

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
We'll test this some more, thanks for reporting it :)

I don't know what kind of elaborate and complicated tests you are doing, but almost 3 months after I reported it, it still happens. The math behind this is not complicated, was it really such a problem to include this in one of many patches that were released since June? I know this is not something that is high on the priority list, it does not prevent us from playing the game, but it's just a proof of sloppy work.