Edible Items


NOTE: This has sort of been suggested before, but this is major add to it.

Wouldn't it be great if we had edible items in the game? This would lead to many things!

Suggested Items
HP Bonuses
(lvl.1) Cheese (25%) - Cost: $60
(lvl.2) Apple (50%) - Cost: $100
(lvl.3) Sandwich (MAX) - Cost: $175
(lvl.3) Increase Max HP (10%) - Cost: $60 (2 hours)
(lvl.4) Increase Max HP (25%) - Cost: $180 (2 hours)

EP Bonuses
(lvl.2) Water (10%) - Cost: $140
(lvl.3) Milk (25%) - Cost: $280
(lvl.4) Beer (MAX) - Cost: $920

Attribute Bonuses
(lvl.3) Strength (+1) - Cost: $400 (12 hours)
(lvl.3) Mobility (+1) - Cost: $400 (12 hours)
(lvl.3) Dexterity (+1) - Cost: $400 (12 hours)
(lvl.3) Charisma (+1) - Cost: $400 (12 hours)
(lvl.4) All Skills (+1) - Cost: $1,200 (12 hours)

(lvl.5) Strength (+3) - Cost: $2,000 (10 hours)
(lvl.5) Mobility (+3) - Cost: $2,000 (10 hours)
(lvl.5) Dexterity (+3) - Cost: $2,000 (10 hours)
(lvl.5) Charisma (+3) - Cost: $2,000 (10 hours)
(lvl.6) All Skills (+3) - Cost: $6,000 (10 hours)

(lvl.6) Strength (+10) - Cost: $10,000 (5 hours)
(lvl.6) Mobility (+10) - Cost: $10,000 (5 hours)
(lvl.6) Dexterity (+10) - Cost: $10,000 (5 hours)
(lvl.6) Charisma (+10) - Cost: $10,000 (5 hours)
(lvl.7) All Skills (+10) - Cost: $30,000 (5 hours)

IMPORTANT: It would not be possible to use multiple Attribute Bonuses/ Max HP increase bonuses OF THE SAME TYPE at the same time. (It is allowed to have a MAX HP INCREASE (25%) and STRENGTH (+3) at the same time.) (It isn't allowed to have MAX HP INCREASE (25%) and MAX HP INCREASE (10%) at the same time)

The prices above can be lowered. See below.

The (lv.*) to the left of an item is the level needed for your town to make this item. See below.

All of the Attribute Bonuses and the Max HP Bonuses last for a specific time (see above for suggested time). This would mean that we would need to see what buffs we have. (Buff: A word used in many games when you have a bonus for a specific time) It would be great if we could just click the character menu and see we have "Max HP +10%" and "Strength +1". (They would be displayed as images, that you could easily define which one is which. You would hover over it to see what it was called, what bonuses it gives and how long it would last. [It would be in a similar box to the "hover-over-an-item-box".])

ALSO, it would be displayed exactly to the right of your character name in the game (they would be displayed as very small images where you could once again hover over them for info.)

ALSO, it would be cool if your townmates could view what buffs you have to the right of your name in the residents menu and by clicking on your character profile.

New Town Building: ?Cookery? (suggestions welcome)
How about a new building where you can make these items in, in your town? It would be similar to the Store, Tailor and Gunsmith. Prices lowered by 75% if bought in your own town! Look to the left of an item above and you see the Cookery level needed to make this item.

You will need to implement this into the game if you make edible items, in my opinion. Possibly lower prices slightly if it is implemented?

Edible Motivation starts at 100%. It will decrease by the following when an edible item is eaten/ drank:

(lvl.1) item - 2%
(lvl.2) item - 4%
(lvl.3) item - 7%
(lvl.4) item - 12%
(lvl.5) item - 20%
(lvl.6) item - 30%
(lvl.7) item - 50%

When motivation drops, you will be affected. The lower it is, the less chance you have of an edible item of working. This prevents rich players from constantly buffing themselves.

When motivation falls below 75%, the following applies when you eat/ drink the item.

Current Motivation + 25% of motivation = Chance of the item working


1. If motivation is 75% or above, the above does not apply. An item will always work.

2. If motivation is lower than 10%, the above does not apply. You will not be able to eat/ drink the item.

You have 75% motivation. You will always get 100% chance of the item working because of exception 1.

You have 50% motivation.
Current Motivation (50) + 25% of motivation (13) = Chance of item working (63%)
You have a 63% chance of the item working.

You have 9% motivation. You may not use any edible item until your motivation revives to at least 10% because of exception 2.

Motivation recovers at 24% a day. You will recover 1% every hour.
After 4 days and 4 hours motivation would recover from 0% to 100%.

Comments please!
MAJOR EDIT: 15/10/08: Added "Motivation". Changes potions to food/ drink.
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I like the idea of edible items. In fact I have some. Beans, ham, fish, berries etc. Just can't eat them. I want to though. Been wandering around for days, working my butt off and I am starving! :)


Uhh. I don't think they had energy potions and health potions during that time. Berries and meat etc would be fine, but adding health potions will just ruin the feel of the game.


What's the point of potions. They didn't have hp potions back then. :p


how a about a doctor(or something of the sort) to give you HP and a cook to cook the items(if cookable) and then heal you a bit when you eat them
just a brainfart


Sounds like a great idea. However, I agree that potions would not fit the mood of the game.


What about if you take out the + 25% motivation and just leave it as what it is and let it fall all the way to zero?

If the item doesnt work then you lose it, so people will have to decide if the percentage is worth the risk or not.