Easter Showdown!


Easter Showdown


There's nothing like the smell of gunpowder on a fine Spring's morning, so to celebrate we're holding the much anticipated Easter Showdown! Unlike the Christmas Tombola, you'll have a shot (or eight) at testing your luck every six hours. The catch? It won't be as easy as opening a stocking, since there are four duellers standing in your way. Although their skills are questionable, to say the least, a bribe may be necessary to recover your reward should you fail to defeat your opponent.

The Showdown will start on the 28th March and finish on 15th April. There are four bandits available to duel, one free and the others costing 25, 150 and 800 nuggets respectively. Each can be duelled once every six hours, but you have the option of clearing all timers by using 25 nuggets or bonds. Health points are not deducted at the end of each duel.

The bandits' duelling skills are quite weak; it is intended that players very rarely (if ever) lose. If you lose then you can challenge that bandit again for free, however you must first wait six hours before doing so. Alternatively you can bribe the bandit and receive your reward immediately (see below).

The items will be split into four categories, corresponding to each dueller: common, uncommon, rare and very rare. It is possible to find rarer items when duelling a cheaper bandit. For example, if you challenge the second bandit at a cost of 25 nuggets, you can find uncommon, rare and very rare items but not common items.

At the end of the event, the player with the longest winning streak against the bandits will win all of the new sets created for the Showdown. If you lose a duel it is possible to save your winning streak by bribing the bandit, otherwise your current streak will be reset to zero.

Item set bonus will be confirmed closer to the release of this event.

> The Easter Showdown discussion
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I would just like to thank all those players who supported the Easter Showdown, once again it was a success.

All players that had the most duels in each world have received a report plus all three boxes containing the full sets for all three new sets that were released at Easter.


I purposely didn't announce the winner names after the Christmas Tombola due to some of the players contacting me requesting this. I will not be announcing the names for the Showdown either.

If you're unsure about anything or you believe you won a prize, send us a ticket and we will check our logs for you.