Duelling update


Well-Known Member

I was talking with a few people in saloon about duelling, we brought up the issues with high duel levels reduce the amount of targets to the point you may not even have a single duel page in some worlds, how duel motivation below 50% hides targets even at lower levels. On the other side of things low motivation duellers bully workers to keep their motivation low and there is no real way of avoiding this that doesn't take lots of time or buffs.


Duel level is purely bragging rights and there is no duel motivation, XP from duels has a soft cap to avoid abuse.

There is a server wide bonus to XP, Money, Luck & Product drop chance (must be high enough to actually be worth it but also not so high worlds with few duellers can abuse for free (50-100%?)).

If you want to duel / be duelled or want the bonuses, you must activate a mode that removes any form of protection and you get this bonus.

If you don't want to be duelled, you opt out and don't get this bonus (but it's the same as it is now so no real penalty).

Being KO'd functions the same except there's no 72 hour protection, you are forced out of the mode for 24 hours.

There should also be a cooldown for opting in and out (not sure how long this should be), as well as a cooldown if you have recently duelled someone (1hr).

Sleeping still functions as usual.

Summary / Thoughts:

A lot of the specifics can be argued over but I thought this was a good idea to centralise duellers & active players encouraging interactions and removing the worst parts of duelling like bullying the defenceless or having no one to duel. I also think it makes duel level mean more and would make unprotected farming or duelling quite fun whether you do short unprotected runs for the bonuses or you do it for the duelling (or both at the same time).

Let me know what you think this was just an idea I thought was worth throwing out there, I don't really know of any other ways of improving duelling and removing the negatives without it being wayyy too much work for Inno to even consider.
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