

That is in W11. In here I am a humble fort fighter.

P.S. I have stopped zero motivation dueling to level up a bit, because all those duels bored me, and I want to try wielding some new weapons.


It's fun because my zero motivation dueling keeps me at a low level and everyone around me has leveled already. So with my level 38 soldier I beat people above lvl 50 very often. Most of my targets are at a high level, some of them wielding conquistador swords or Bell Starr's Deringer. W11 that is.

4 days ago you wrote: It's fun......

I take that as an agreement with my statement:razz:


I was expecting this answer from you. Apologies for confusing you. I did not stop zero motivation dueling, I have quit dueling altogether, until leveling up quite a bit in order for me to resume zero motivation dueling. It's just that the people around my level are weak and I want to at least get a sword and enhance my victories.

The only problem I see is that I am unable to keep with the low motivation because of real life. It's difficult to schedule duels every day. If you check my character I don't have a dueling level suitable for a zero motivation dueler because at on time or another I was not able to play.


Just saw someone holding Hernando's swort already in his hands.

Congratulation that was quick!

You can guess what I did....

Total health points
- 144 HP

Total health points
- 569 HP Jeanne jeux wins the duel, gains 59 experience points and steals $60 from XXXXXXX.



just a few days ago.


some guy attacked me and won. then some people from my town went to ko him. so as i was snickering at the fact that he was KO'd, he messaged me saying that having other people fight my battles must be weakest thing hes ever heard of. he said he would be paying me a visit. so he came back, hit me and LOST... so my response was as follows:

AHAHAHAH! thanx 4 the duel bro! i just KNEW we would be buddies ;) then u sent me that lil present of $103 + 103exp? you really ARE my friend! dont worry, it will be put to good use. better luck next time.


i didnt hear back from him :)

i just went and ko's him for fun and sent him this message:

hey i was just stopping by to say hi to my bestest friend ever! maybe share a cup of tea and some fresh scones :)

HEEEEY... how did ya loose all those health points buddy? did you accidentally spill scalding hot tea on yourself? or burn yourself on the scones while taking them out of the oven? tsk tsk, u need to remember to use those oven mits! aww, ill get ur mommy so she can kiss the boo-boo and make it aaawll better :(

OH WAIT... it was me :)

well i enjoyed the nice little treat of tea and death. maybe ill stop by again soon.

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CanonRebelz wins the duel, gains 0 experience points and steals $3653 from Sassafrassy.


Never seen somethig like this before, the only workerkiller town with 9832659732641265987462398746 duel points from workers on w12 actually has amateurs:

hotq is the worker who defended.

Deleted User - 1278415

Ok Im not one to post duels in the public... but dang did not expect to see a no hitter/ko challenge like this.

I was online when the reports lit up so I looked at his clothes and they were decent dueler clothes.



Ok Im not one to post duels in the public... but dang did not expect to see a no hitter/ko challenge like this.

I was online when the reports lit up so I looked at his clothes and they were decent dueler clothes.

[Duel here]
Dang! I wouldn't be surprised if infiniti KO'd you, but wow.. must have been an unlucky day for him.

Here's some of mine against ya, not very good damage wise, but you have 9-10 levels on me. :)


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Jane Flemming wins the duel, gains 52 experience points and steals $19 from Roland Hunter.



Jane Flemming wins the duel, gains 50 experience points and steals $24 from makaka99.

@Trojon: :cool: