

would most people care about dueling honor? probably not. just not needed.


Well-Known Member
would most people care about dueling honor? probably not. just not needed.
Agreed. Without any implications it is useless. And as mentioned in my past post, any penalties would be bugged. It simply won't work logistically.


Winning Against

Dueler: +3 honor points
Soldier: +2 honor points
Adventurer: +1 honor point
Builder:-1 honor point (or more)

Losing Against

Dueler: -3 honor points
Soldier: -2 honor points
Adventurer: -1 honor point
Builder:-1 honor point (or more)

Wouldn't it be better this way?

Losing Against

Dueler: -1 honor points
Soldier: -2 honor points
Adventurer: -1 honor point
Builder:-3 honor point

And what exactly would be the point of this honor system. Do you think this would stop people from dueling builders?

Quite right; this is a game. Nobody cares about this "honor" thing, you speak of.

Or just make it not possible to duel builders and builders not being able to duel

Some of the best dueler are workers.

And $600 dollars is rare for a builder? Once builders get to a high level, they can easily make that and more in just two hours of doing a certain job.

Quite true. My builder make lots of money! $$$ :D

my town members are just like ghosts xD

Perhaps this is your problem. You need a new town. Find one with 30+ members. The rest are loser towns.


This wouldn't work out at all for me. When you get to the latter part of the game, you will have to fight respeced workers who turned into duelers and are now resistance *****s. It would make a great deal of people really mad if when they win against them get some sort of penalty. Besides, what does "honor" do? If it has no penalty, your little safe worker idea might actually help make your situation even worse, as some people might like being bad guys who have a bad honor, therefore making them farm you and other workers all day long for the glory of being infamous.

Workers in this game can become some of the strongest resistance fighters at the higher levels, and I agree, it would make it worse for workers if this was somehow 'miracled' into the game since there are some of us that only have honor among thieves!

BTW Nice avatar pic teh! :laugh:


In a world I'm a builder and I HATE getting duel by duelers. There is no other way to explain the cowardliness.
It makes perfect sense to duel builders.
They are free money and the high level ones are great experience.
If your town can't enforce "no dueling builders," find another or respec and defend yourself.


Not really, I could see a way to...Now that I think of it, we do have the medals system.


The idea is worthless unless Reputation is some kind of currency. However, duelers already earn money through dueling and use those money to buy items. If reputation was added it would only be in favour of those dueling, making it unfair for workers for example.


And what exactly would be the point of this honor system. Do you think this would stop people from dueling builders?

Since the medals came out, attacks on builders have increased.

Before the medals, I (as a builder) never got attacked, after the medals came out, it's a non-stop affair.


Why not do the honor/reputation system, but instead of basing it on level or character class, why not base it on the actual stats of the player? These are hidden, of course, but a lot of people announce on their profiles what kinds of characters they are anyway, and after 1 or 2 fights you can figure out if a player is helping your reputation or not, and to what extent.

Aim, Dodging, Vigor (if carrying a melee weapon), Shooting (if carrying a ranged weapon), Toughness, Reflex, Tactics, and Appearance. Take a player's stats in those areas (including bonuses from equipped clothes and weapons), compare them to the opponent's stats, and the difference should determine the reputation gained (or lost) by the winner.

So reputation points would go mainly to those who fight real duelers and those who don't make it a point to pick on players who don't have their "dueling clothes" on.

Some people may not care about high honor/reputation and may even go for the lowest score possible to gain some kind of warped bragging right; but if the reputation scores are publicized by the game for everyone to see, it would give Workers who are paying attention advance notice that a Worker farmer is in town so they can take steps to protect themselves. It might also make the "disreputable" fighter a target of "reputable" fighters who don't care for their tactics (which many "disreputable" fighters might actually enjoy), so there would be possible repercussions to a low reputation score.

The other thing is that people new to the game looking for a suitable town to join can get a better idea of where they fit in. Those looking to play "honorably" can find a town more suited to their tastes, and those who want to be on the wrong side of the law can find a town full of those types to join as well.

I think, overall, that kind of system would make The West a lot more realistic.


Dueling workers and adventurer is honorable and good money wise. Prove me wrong. I believe fighting against workers is the most honorable thing, because you fight against the people who construct the shops of your enemies!

I pretty much employed the rule some people use to believe in god. If it can't be proven otherwise it is true.

I don't understand what's so dishonorable in fighting against characters without a good dueling build or fighting against lower level players. It was their choice or fault it became that way and we the soldiers should not be punished because someone believes it will be more honorable.

Every decent soldier should be protecting the builders in his town. The game should not be enforcing any other rules. Dueling level is more than enough.