Different city types


Right now there's only one option when making your own town; a regular western town.

I think there should be about three options when founding a new town:
- Indian/Native American village
- Mexican community
- Regular western town

So when you've got enough money to found your own town, the three alternatives come up and the player chooses one. Then the graphic in that town has the chosen "theme" so to say.

Just an idea.


Will there be benefits for each type:

Say faster building for the Buildings in a Indian Village?
And better Churches in the Mexican Village?

Just a though.


Could be, could be.. But my idea was more about the graphics. If there is a town with players that all have native American characters, a christian church looks a bit inappropriate. I just think it would make the towns more interesting.


I think this was suggested before.

But yes, it would be nice to have tents for an Indian village, and those old clay-style houses for a Hispanic one.


So how many hotels are there in an Indian village?

There is no Indian village yet. If there was, there'd still be only 1. The level I'm sure would still go to 5, it'd probably have different names for the levels, though. Such as:

Level 1: Sleeping outside.
Level 2: Sleeping in the stables.
Level 3: Sleeping in the headquaters tent.
Level 4: Sleeping in your own tent.
Level 5: Sleeping in the priestesses hut.


true but the only place i can think of i know there where Chinatowns i know it not in the west but when anyones says Chinatown i think San Frisco