Different acct for world 2


My daughter tried signing up in world 3 using her own e-mail and logged in and my name came up. She wants to join the game with her own character in world 2 with me. How can this be done? or Can I add someone to mine?


Your name should not come up as long as she signs in with her own name and password.

My brother did it while he was crashing at my house and we are both on world 1 and 2.

Oh, and please post this in the 'Questions & FAQ' thread next time.

Can a Mod move this please?


World 2 is currently full, so I don't think your daughter can join you there. Maybe you can both make new accounts in World 3, or wait until World 4 ?

Yes, I just checked for you - registration is not currently possible on world 2 as it is full.

As for the problem with world 3 - you say she logged in as your character ? Check again. Try making a new account with her email in world 3 and selecting another name, I think the default if you already have a character is the name employed in the previous world.

I actually choose to play as Rose of Alabama in both world 1 and world 3.
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Oh, and please post this in the 'Questions & FAQ' thread next time.

I did try to post this in the 'Questions & FAQ' thread and it did not go thru.:blink:


Yes it is. You need to set up an entirely different account first.