Devils Woods


Since negating my past
Once the last die was cast
When I swam in the sea
And proclaimed it my last
I've just lied in the sand
More supply than demand
With my head buried deep
Know my place is on dry land
Come hell or high water
Devil take my daughter
I will never go back
As I know that I oughta
Cause one day things might change
Whilst I'm home on the range
It will call from afar

A place not to far
The Devils Woods

Devils woods is now open with a Hotel and General store. We are located on the far east side of the map. We are working on a Mortuary and also A second level to town hall.​


You don't have a general store or a hotel from what I can see...


So, does that mean that you're invitin g people? If so, would a level almost 8 be fit? I can put all talents into construction if you want. :)