Dazzy's West Picture Quiz


Doc Holliday
Annie Oakley
Wyatt Earp
Wild Bill Hickhock
Buffalo Bill Cody
Daniel Boone
Davy Crockett
Virgil Earp
Jessie James
William Clark
Meriwether Lewis

Wait, i didnt see the link... Oh wells...

Thanks for the red anyways comrade :D
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1 is Buffalo Bill.
2 is Wild Bill Hickock.
3 is Pat Garrett

And that's where I start to grasp at straws until...

8 is Wyatt Earp.

I'm guessing 10 is Annie Oakley.


1: William "Buffalo Bill" Cody
2: James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickock
3: Pat Garrett
4: Butch Cassidy
5: John Henry "Doc" Holliday
7: The Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh)
8: Wyatt Earp
9: Jesse James
10: Martha Jane "Calamity Jane" Canary


damn good effort.. the full name for each was the best part... kudos elmyr


I couldn't remember Butch Cassidy's real name and I was completely stumped on #6. I'm thinking it might be one like #9 that I would have been stumped on if I hadn't seen that pic before.


I thought there was only one known pic of Billy the Kid? The one you always see with the funky hat.


You're probably right. I just remember that he was kind of dorky looking with curly hair. At least you know I don't cheat!:unsure:


Thanks. It's good to know there weren't others as goofy looking as him that made history! :nowink: