Darkness on the Edge of Town


Mrs Pitt
"No, she never went far besides she was always with her friends Milly and Paul most of the time... you'd have to ask them where they usually hung out...although i did tell them to stay away from Baker street and the docks its not safe for children to be playing around there" she'd tried to look after her best she could but it was hard without Arthur, things had been a little tight without his paycheck and several times she had been forced to ask her parents for a loan to see her through the month maybe it was time she moved back west?
The small carriage clock chimed quietly from its place on the mantle piece I'll have to go to work soon she thought to herself as she drank more of her coffee "Is there anything else either of you wish to ask me? only i have to be at the factory in an hour" the hours were long and she wasn't always sure as to how safe the machines she was cleaning around were but the wages put food on the table and with the things the way they were now she couldn't afford to lose the job.
The Rookie
The rookie led the way past the rows of dirty apartment buildings, the smell of salt and seaweed was strong in the air along with the not so fragrant stench of the cannery as it produced canned tuna for export "I am sure its around here" he called over his shoulder to the two agents although one them had seemed to have dissappeared, maybe he should slow down a little and let him catch up.
he only had the vaguest of recollections of what the building had looked like, all he could remember was that there was a picture of a seagull painted above the building number a fact that he had said twice now as he tried to hold the panic that was seeping into him.
had he not been so panicked by the FBI agents then he probably would have spotted the two men that were trailing them, keeping a safe distance away from them. One was tall in a tan overcoat the over guy was short and squat and seemed to be carrying something heavy beneath the coat he wore.
"Here it is!" the rookie called excitedly upon findng the weather beaten house, peeling white paint covered the walls and sure enough just over the building number someone had painted a seagull though truth be told it had to be one of the worst drawings of a seagull the agents had ever seen.
The rookie had gotten two steps up towards the door when he saw the two men behind them, the short quickly pulled the short length of lead pipe from out of his coat and brought it crashing into teh back of the Stewarts knee's sending him crashing to the ground "Beat it kid you ain't seen nuthin'!" the tall man shouted producing a switch blade from out of his coat, a long scar running down his chin. The rookie fled leaving the hapless agent on the ground at at the mercy of the two thugs "We'll teah you to mess with Mr Baritone's business" the short thug spoke in a thick italian accent as the raised the pipe above his head, he was going to enjoy this.
Pulling a crumpled dollar bill from out of his pocket Rick dropped it at the mans feet, a filthy hand quickly snaking out of the his coat to grab it "Speak friend if what you tell us is good there may be meal with that drink" though Rick doubted it, this fool would blow it all on liquor and starve in the process.
Wiping a hand across his wind chapped lips the man began to tell his story "Dockside Danny...." Rick raised an eyebrow at the seemingly random name that had been thrown at him "whose Dockside Danny? don't mess me around old man"
"He was one of those thats been taken see...vanished only i saw who did it....thats what i tried to tell them but they wouldn't listend to me" and for no wonder the man reeked of alcohol in fact he was probably drunk now.
"ok then who took your friend Danny? give us a name and we can get something done about it" the man stared up at him seemingly exasperated "Its not just Danny he's took, its all of them...the only reason he didn''t get me is because i've taken to kipping out here" the man whined as he nervously checked over his shoulders. "A name oldtimer what's his name?" the old man blinked looking up at them as if they had just asked him to explain the workings of an engine rather than simply providing a name "I don't know his name all i know is that it was him that done it" Rick threw up his hands, he had better things to do than deal with drunken idiots "Unless theres anything you want to ask him i say we get on with the case" Rick said to Theodore as he hefted the pair of suitcases off of the ground where he had left them wondering what on earth Agent Richards had put in his to make it so damn heavy.


Stewart cried out as the man hit him with the lead pipe. he could hear the rookie legging it.
as the thug raised the lead pipe above his head again, Stewart drew his Webley, pointed it at the thug's head and pulled the trigger.
The heavy .455 round slammed into the thugs face, killing him instantly and spurting brains and blood everywhere.
the second thug hesitated and leapt onto Stewart, trying to force the knife into Stewart's face.
Stewart hit the thug on the side of his head with the butt of the Webley, whilst trying to keep the knife at a safe distance.
"BAUER!" yelled Stewart. if Bauer didn't help soon Stewart would be a dead man.


"No thank you Mrs. Pitt. I'm just going to sit here and Listen to Ms. Bailey's questions and then be on my way if that's alright. One last thing. Can you give me the addresses of Milly and Paul please?"


Jeffry was moving up the street, when he heard a yell. Then the rookie ran off like Old Scratch himself was chasing him. Jeffry started running. He heard more cries and the ugly sound of something solid crushing bone. Then he heard Richards yell for him. By now he'd advanced far enough to see a thug was brawling Richards trying to stick him with a knife. A bloodied compatriot of the thug was not too far off. Jeffry drew his pistol...

He brought his gun's heavy barrel crashing into the side if the man's head. The thug was lieing on the ground so it was fairly easy for Jeffry to knudge him off of Richard and then to reallocate the gun barrel straight down the man's mouth. As the barrel forcefully collided with the back of the thug's throat he dropped his knife. "Stay down you son-of-a-gun or I'll make a new mouth for you!" Jeffry waited for Richards to get up so that he could help him pin the man while he extricated his gun out of the guy's throat.


Theodore was about to protest having to carry baggage, but he decided to think about it for a moment. There was an advantage here. He wouldn't be stuck on a wild goose chase, looking for an apartment that could be virtually anywhere in Century City. Instead, he was going to a known location, and a few dozen pounds at most of luggage was an acceptable payoff for not running around everywhere. But anyway where were they staying, and, this was probably the most important question, what was for dinner?

They had arrived at the police station, station to station, neither of them the most appetizing to Theodore, only to discover the way in was blocked by a bum. The other agent, Ricky Derringer possibly was his name, like the dread weapon that was the slayer of president 16. The bum, wanting money for information that would probably be better paid in lead than silver, prompted Theodore to set the suitcases down, and reach into his duster pocket for his revolver. To his frustration, Ricky had already paid the bum a whole dollar. As he listened to the conversation, Theodore hoped for some good leads. Nothing except disappearances weren't all that uncommon in Century City.

The other agent asked Theodore if he had anything to ask the bum and was about to say no, when the idea came to him to ask a very important question. "Alright Mr. Bum," Theodore spoke, walking to the bum. "I want ot know what the kidnapper or kidnappers look like, and I want locations, where they live, where they eat, where they prowl for streetwalkers, if this hole has any. You know who did it, you must be able to tell us what they look like. Besides, you're not the one with leverage, if you catch my drift." Theodore patted his duster pocket for emphasis of the last part, temporarily revealing the outline of his revolver.


Stewart stood up, his left leg was searing with pain from where the thug had hit him with the lead pipe. perhaps something was broken. "Thanks." he said to Bauer, who had his revolver shoved inside the thug's throat.
he looked down at the thug and pointed his Webley at him.
"what are we going to do with him?" Stewart asked.


Jeffry pulled his gun out of the thug's mouse. The man coughed as the long steel barrel was withdrawn from his throat. Jeffry looked at the gun, there was a mess of saliva, blood, and the man's last meal on the barrel. He decided to keep it out as holstering it wouldn't be a nice experience till he washed it.

At Stewart's question of what to do with the man Jeffry responded, "We'll put him through a nice long "session" to see what he knows. If he won't talk, well he can take an extended vacation in the woods or under the sea." He glanced at the sullen looking thug. The threats barely made him twitch. He was going to be a tough nut. "But first we'll inspect Bannerman's quarters. Now let's go." He forced the thug to stand and jammed his gun into the back of the man. "You may lead Mr. Richards."


"Thank You." Stewart replied. he walked up to the door of Bannerman's quarters, wincing on every other step as the pain in his leg increased.
he tried the door. it was locked. he rapped on it with his knuckles, ignoring the battered brass doorknocker.
after a few minutes nobody answered. he turned back to Bauer.
"unless you've got anything to pick the lock with, we'll have to find another way in." Stewart said.


The mans eyes narrowed at the veiled threat made against him, turning his head he spat a glob of phlegm between Theodore's feet before continuing "I don't know where he lives do i look stupid enough to follow him?" the man sat there as he tried to recall the man before continuing "it was pretty dark when i saw him take Danny but he was tall, dark hair wore a light brown overcoat" Rick rolled his eyes the description matched pretty much every man in the city and was about to say as much but the bum beat him to it "...there was something else....something odd about him...thats it he had a funny walk"
"A funny walk? how so?" the bum wrinkled his brow as he tried drag the memory from his drink addled mind "he kept staggering all over the place, like he'dnever walked before in his life...strong too...Danny wasn't no light weight yet this fella' knocked him flat with one blow then dragged him off into the alley... thats all i can remember" it wasn't alot but it was a start with a little luck they'd find a more reliable witness to add to the description.
Turning to walk into the station Rick paused to ask one more question "Where abouts was Danny taken?"
"Twelth street, outside the old warehouse, can't miss it on account of the smell" the mans chuckling quickly turned to deep throaty coughs as Rick turned to walk into the station, signalling Theo to follow him "Lets check out Bannermans office then we'll go looking for this warehouse" also with any luck somebody would be able to find them somewhere to sleep in this god forsaken town, it appeared sleeping on the streets wasa more dangerous than usual at the moment.


"Thanks for the info, and have a great night!" Theodore exclaimed to the hobos, who were walking away now. "Fine chaps, weren't they?" Theodore asked Rick, who was being followed into the station by young Theodore. Dropping the baggage on the counter, and ordering the guy to take care of it, Theodore nodded with Rick's suggestion. "Alright then. Let's find this office. We know where that is, right? Well then, hopefully a good hotel exists in the area. If not, I'm willing to leave here for the night. But I will not sleep on the streets. We're not hobos. So let's go!" Theodore exited the station, heading toward something or another, maybe the office, hoping Rick would follow him.


Jeffry took a glance up and down the street. It was mostly empty. "I'll show you how to pick a lock. He cocked his pistol. It's a little unsubtle, but for some reason I have a feeling there's no one in there..."


Bannerman's Apartment
The lock exploded as the slug fired from Jeffry's revolver tore through the cheap lock. Pushing open the door the two agents and their reluctant prisoner entered a small stairwell, a line of pigeon holes for mail covered the entire right handside of the wall, with apartment numbers and the occupants name printed above each hole. A door opened as a balding man went to investigate the gunshot he'd heard only to be slammed shut upon seeing the two armed men, it was a rough neighbourhood and it didn't pay to see too much if you wanted to carry on living.
The Police Station
Placing the heavy bags on the counter before the plump middle aged woman running the front desk Rick spoke brusquely in a tone that would brook no argument "I want a room booking for myself and three other agents immediatly and i want our bags delivering there is that understood" the woman considered resisting the pushy agent in front of her, she didn't like his tone of voice or the way he expected her to drop everything for him but one look at his eyes made reconsider such a move "I'll get right onto it"
"Good...Agent Duke....Bannermans office should be upstairs with any luck he'd have left us a clue to his whereabouts" he called to his partner who for some reason had been heading back out onto the street, well man had already admitted to taking drugs perhaps it would be for the best if he didn't dwell on such things.
Shrugging off his partners apparent strangeness Rick climbed the stairs up to the second floor where according to a passing admin clerk was where they would find Bannermans office. Upon reaching the Bannermans office at the end of a long beige painted corridor, Rick found two uniformed policemen shifting through the wreckage that had been Agent Bannermans office, where ever he was it seemed like he hadn't gone down without a fight.


As the man retreated Jeffry mumbled, "I thought it was empty." The gun was back in the thugs back and he gestured, "Mr. Richards could you please read that address board?"

Bannerman lived on the second story and the three proceeded upwards on the dilapidated stairway of the building. Each step caused the extremely worn boards to stretch and creak. Moving down the hallway they reached Bannerman's door, a crude flimsy thing that looked to be made of a very roughly and thinly cut board. It was locked. "I'm sure you can do the honors of opening this door Mr. Richards."


Theodore was wandering outside, when he was called back in. Seems like Banny liked being with the police. If he were the agent assigned to century city, he would be based out of the finest hotel, but that was him. Maybe Banny liked the police or maybe he just didn't want to or couldn't spend the money for a better room than above the police station for basing his work on. Well then, it was time to head back inside. There was a female behind the desk who looked irritated at the federal investigators. Sometimes Theodore himself was irritated at the agents, including himself. But that was him, he liked being him.

Theodore and Rick headed upstairs, where there was a beautiful, nay the most awful shade of beige that the Spanish Inquisition could come up with for their tortuous means. They headed down the horrible corridor to the last door, it was always the last door, wasn't it? But anyway, they headed to the last door, and opened it up. Inside, there was a pair of policemen shifting through the wreckage of the office, a horrendous thing must have happened. Probably a fight. "Alright police," Theodore ordered the pair. "Give us a list of everything suspicious you've found so far, and get back to your regular jobs. We got it from here. Trust us, we're federal investigators. We know how to find the speck of dust that's out of place from a field of dust."


Stewart looked at the address board, it was blank. strange...

"Thank you, Bauer." Stewart replied. he looked at the door, shouldn't be too hard to break down. he pulled out his Webley and shot the lock before twice ramming the flimsy door with his shoulder.
the door broke down relatively easily.
Stewart advanced inside, Webley at the ready.
there was a foul stench in the air, after the hell of the trenches, Stewart knew what it was; the smell of a decomposing corpse.
as he opened the bedroom door he looked around, the smell was coming from an old wardrobe next to the bed, it's door was ajar.
slowly Stewart walked towards it and opened the door, inside was the decomposing corpse of a man. this must be Bannerman, there was a look of horror etched on his face. Murder.


"looks like he had a awful time," said Jeffry looking at the crumpled, misshapen form leaning in the closet. "You know anything about this?" He addressed their prisoner still under gunpoint. The man was staring at the corpse unmoved. Then he let his heavy raspy voice rumble out of his throat, "I don't know any'thin copper." "Don't worry we'll be checking again with you once we're out of here. Out West we'd be stringing you up, so don't get smart." The man was emboldened by Jeffry's statement. "You're not gonna hang me. I'll get a big time lawyer and then he springs me. I got my rights cowboy." "Gett'in smart huh? Well I'm no cowboy. By the way how is some coyote like you going to afford a big time lawyer?" The man was suddenly silent perhaps he realized he'd said too much. "Mr. Richards could we bring this man back to the station? I'm tired of holding him here with my gun. I don't think there's much else to be done here, but we'll come back after we're done there. I don't think Bannerman will be leaving."


"to the station it is then." Richard replied.
he walked out of the apartment, down the stairs and out onto the street.
Richard looked around, the body of the first thug that had attacked him was gone, although there was still several bits of the thug's blood and brains scattered about.
he winced as the pain in his leg seared again.
as he tried to work out how to get to the station, he realised that he didn't actually know where it was. he turned to Bauer..
"Er...do you know where the station is?" Richard asked.


Bannermans Apartment
upon entering the small apartment building the two agents were greeted by the stench of death, the body within the closet had been butchered in such a fashion so as to make identification almost impossible, it was as if a wild animal had attacked the unfortunate victim and judging by the state of the mans eyes it appeared that the furry denizens of teh moldering apartment building had.
Judging from the relative cleanliness of the rest of the rest of the apartment it soon became apparent that the attack hadn't originated within the building as there were no signs of struggle, only the mangled corpse showed that there had in fact been any crime at all.

Dragging a now extremly pale thug back out on the street he cast a bewildered look at the agent that he had assumed was was agent Bannerman "What sort of pig doesn't know where his station is?" he asked mockingly having sufficiently recovered from what he'd seen within the apartment.
Any retort by the agents was cut off as the air was split by the wailing of a police siren as a pair of squad cars careered around the corner, screeching to a halt a few feet away from the group of men. "Stop police! lower your weapons!" a large man with black mustache bellowed, his service revolver pointing over the hood of the car, three more police two of which armed with shotguns also quickly disembarked and took aim.
"Looks like someone called in the gunshots" the thug snickered fully enjoying the spectacle of two federal agents being surrounded by the cops, sure he would still end up in a cell but what a story this would make.
Bannermans Office
The office was a small square room with a single window looking out over the street, in front of which stood a sturdy if somewhat battered desk stood. on the left hand wall their had stood a pair of metal filing cabinets both of which had been knocked over, their conents now scattered across the worn carpet. In all the office was a rather drab affair with a dark brown carpet and pale cream walls and the destruction wrought by Bannermans assailant had done little to improve its looks.
"Who the hell are you?" a tall blonde policeman asked upon seeing the two agents entering his crimescene "FBI now answer his questions" Derringer spoke authoratively as he showed the two police officers his warrent card. The blonde policeman shrugged obviously deciding that his pay grade wasn't high enough to warrant such hassle before beginning to talk "Not a lot...place has been trashed as you can see though it appears haemoroid managed to get a shot off before being overpowered" he said indicating a bullet hole halfway up the back wall, far too high to hit a man of normal height so either it had been a tall assailant or a very poor shot "Haemoroid?" Derringer asked puzzled by the officers choice of words "Do i really have to explain that one to you?...lets just say Bannerman wasn't a popular guy" the Blonde policeman replied rolling his eyes.
"Hey check this out" the other policeman suddenly called indicating what appeared to be a hank of hair wedged beneath what looked to be a football trophy, Finally something they could work with.


Stewart instinctively pulled out his Webley as cops surrounded him, Bauer and the thug.
by the time the copper had called out his demands Stewart had his revolver aimed at the copper's head.
"I think I'll choose when i put my bloody weapons down." Stewart snarled. he continued. "and may I inquire as to what right the police have to meddle in FIB business?"
the copper didn't answer.
"Now if this matter is cleared up, then I demand that I, my colleague and our prisoner be taken to the police station." he stated. "Oh, it might be prudent for you to have a look at the body of FIB Agent Bannerman that is currently lying in the wardrobe of his apartment." Stewart added as an afterthought.


Unpopular guy, eh? Theodore thought that the possibility of the disappearance, what now seemed like a kidnapping, could possibly be an inside job. He wasn't called the Haemorrhoid for being the lovable, trustworthy guy everyone at the police station could go to for all their personal problems. Maybe he was being so much of a pain that somebody thought he would be better gone. Since feds did fall higher on the chain of command than the municipal police, there was nobody to go to but him for grievances, and since it was a small town, he might not be noticed.

"Maybe the hair was pulled out by Bannerman," Theodore suggested to the cops. "Or is that his hair colour? Anyway, I want a list of everybody the police know of that could take Bannerman in a fight, but very narrowly. Just slightly stronger than him. Also, get a bag to put that hair in, and give it to me. We can use it to narrow down the suspects if it's not Bannerman's." Theodore thought for a moment, just in case he forgot something. "Oh, and I also want to know everything the police know about the case he was working on, including everything Bannerman brought to the table. Maybe the case has something to do with his kidnapping."