Darkness on the Edge of Town


Banermans Apartment
The clicking of several weapons being cocked could be heard as one of the men drew a weapon, it was a miracle that none of the police had opened fire, in a city where mob killings were nearly an everyday occurrence.
"Let me see your warrant card" the black moustached man called from behind the car keeping his weapon levelled at the three men, until one of agents produced their card "Ok boys lower em' they're on our side" the man called holstering his service revolver as walked out to meet them "Sorry about that guys but since the shooting last night we've all been a little on edge" he said apologetically, a pair of men grabbing the thug and dragging him towards one of the cars "The names Sergeant Eli Moore a pleasure to meet you" he said thrusting out a large hand towards the two agents hoping that a display of friendship might displel any bad feelings about thier initial meeting.
Once the introductions were over Sergeant Moore plunged back onto the business at hand "Now whats this i hear about a body?"
Bannermans Office
The blonde policeman shrugged again as his partner placed the hair in a bag "yeah its his hair colour but lots of people had his hair colour as for fight well..." the policeman paused as he mentally ticked off a list of potential candidates "...maybe two or three of the hoods that we know of and nobody in the station would be mad enough to take him on in a fist fight Bannerman was a psycopath I once saw him rip a hoods ear off after the guy tried to stick him one" that might explain why Bannerman had been banished out here then Rick thought to himself as he looked around the dreary office where Bannerman had spent the better part of his life "as for his case...well..." the blonde policeman opened his arms wide to indicate the destruction wrought upon the small office, the floor covered in drifts of paperwork "...we might be able to find something in amongst all this but i am afraid the only guys who knew anything about what he was up to got themselves killed last night....that and the chief...at least i think the chief knew?" he said scratching his head, Bannerman hadn't been one for the chain of command either it seemed under a different set of circumstances he could very well have been assigned to this last chance saloon of a task force "Where do we find the chief?" Rick asked raising a eyebrow questioningly, the only sign of emotion he'd shown since entering the room "he's out at the crime scene...up on the hill by the docks...we'll keep looking through this lot while your gone if you like?"


"the body of FIB Agent Bannerman, you'll find it in the wardrobe of his apartment." Stewart replied. he continued; "hang on, you say there was a shooting last night, what happened?"


Sergeant Eli Moore
"Bannerman, You sure?" Eli replied shocked at the revelation Bannerman had always struck him as being the kind of guy who would go down shooting.
With two quick hand gestures Eli signalled for two of his men to go and check it out whilst he brought the agents up to speed on the shootings "a couple of our guys were on a stake out last night waiting for some liquor to come in when they got iced....not good, not good at all"
The Crime Scene
It had taken alot of wrangling and empty threats on Rick and Theo's part in order to secure the use of the old Packhard, its dark green paint was in serious need of a good cleaning but otherwise the car was sound.
Sat behind the wheel of the car Rick drove down the grimey streets towards the docks, turning out into the countryside just as they reached the first couple of rusting warehouses and faded signs for companies long since bankrupt.
Following the heavily rutted dirt track up the hill over looking the docks, Rick soon found the crime scene, an old car with a broken and blood stained windshield and the body of the other man a few metres away causing Rick to wonder what the man had been doing so far away from the car and his partner.
Bringing the car to a stop the two agents got out and watched as groups of uniformed officers seemingly traipsed randomly through the undergrowth, a tall skinny man with a shock of white hair under his peaked cap seemed to be in charge of the shambles before them "Theo go and speak with the chief and see what he knows whilst i go and have a look around, hopefully these clods havn't trampled all of the evidence yet"
Mrs Pitt
"Sure Millicent Pearce lives at number twenty just down the street and William Clay lives at thirty seven Lincoln road...I don't want to keep you i know you have important work to do" Mrs Pitt said in an understanding voice finishing her coffee and placing the empty cup onto the tray before her.



Stewart's brows furrowed. there had to be a connection.
"Did Bannerman have any connection with the cops that got shot last night? and who were his associates? and have any of them been shot? if there's one that's still alive, then they might know what Bannerman found out."
suddenly Stewart remembered the thug who had earlier. "oh, by the way, you should take him over to the station and see what you can find out." he jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "he and another man tried to kill me earlier. I shot his associate."
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(thanks for that reply, I've been waiting, I really should have informed you braet)

Ben thanked Mrs Pitt and left, he set off to see Millet Pearce first. He unlocked his car and got it, suddenly another car came tearing down the street, they pulled out a SMG and took aim at Ben. He pulled out his Thompson and took aim back and fired, seconds before diving to the ground and rolling. He then was in front of his car bonnet. About two seconds later the same car drove past and Ben sprayed it, both their tyres burst and the car flipped, it did a couple of rolls and then smashed into an electric pylon, not checking for survivors Ben jumped in his car and speed off. The kid could wait, his senior needed to know of this.


Theodore had been looking out the window of the old Packard, wondering what they would find at this crime scene. Hopefully nothing more than a break in, but when were things as simple and relatively benign, compared to what could be reality? Well, only the wait would reveal what the crime was, and reveal time did. When they arrived, Theodore saw an old car that somebody had attempted to turn to swiss cheese, and a couple of bodies that had suffered similar fate, one of them a few yards from the vehicle.

Theodore got out of the Packard, and started to look around the scene. He observed local police unprofessionally trampling around, looking for evidence, probably destroying it before it could be recovered, while one person supervised him. Rick suggested to Theodore that he investigate the chief about what Bannerman was up to. Theodore shrugged, and walked over to where the chief was standing. "You're the chief here, right?" Theodore asked. "I'm Detective Inspector Theodore Wallace Duke, Bureau of Investigation. I'm here to talk to you about what Detective Bannerman was working on here. It's of upmost importance that you fully cooperate with this federal investigation."