County of the Hunters of Bounty Hunters


Fellow Bounty Hunted, Potential Bounty Hunted and Future Bounty Hunted,

Sooner or later, one way or another, some obscure, elusive, coward will set up a handful of gold on your head.

You'll have to face the whole world by oneself!

Men and women of courage and determination, let us stand together and FACE the world together!
Let us all join together in a county, (2,2 from left, bottom) and create a county of ours: The Hunters of the Bounty Hunters!

1. Hunt the Bounty Hunters!
2. Hunt the Bounty Hunters!
3. Hunt the Bounty Hunters!
4. Hunt the Bounty Hunters some more!
1 bis. No Brother shall hunt one of ours!
2 bis. No Brother shall put a bounty on one of ours!
3 bis. No Bounty Hunter shall enter our county! If he does, kill him! If he survives, kill him again!
4 bis. Follow any bounty hunter who attacked one of ours, until death!
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Sorry, this was meant to go into World 1.
Could a moderator please move it there? Thanks!