

I assume Lincoln's top hat and Clint's poncho will be rare items in this world. And can't find them on shops!


I believe they are because they are named items, also you wont any named item in shop as far as i know


clints poncho, sunday clothing can only be obtained from chests and luck drops nowadays

lincolns top hat, golden buffallo, golden cross, golden bullet can only be obtained through chests


Are you sure about the golden cross. It is only $6,975 sell price. Should be able to find it on a job with premium income.


ow thought it was worth more, but yeah when its below about 8.5k it can be found on jobs as well, to be honest though, those golden stuff are really crappy as shiny, they aren;t good for any job, heck most normal stuff is better then em, you got it with more items, sadly where most items actually had some thought over, some new items really have stats that make no sense (the adding dodge or aim to items which will never be used for duelling or forting mainly)


Will anyone be able to hit 8.5k luck without the guns and allan set gear on this world?


You can with premium activated
This if from colorado which is not a full premium world
So if you go full Trade at 120 you will be able to rich that range of luck
And this is me at level 47 on El Dorado
Plus here you can buy skill points :)
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