Cobra Cove


Cobra Cove is now recruiting.

Right now we have a 3 experienced builder town. It is growing fast.

Anyone is welcome, duelers, fort fighters, and so on. We are focusing on builders at the moment though.

Our plan is to build a town with a large builder base, then join a large alliance, and have our town be a "builder for hire" type of recruitment center for an alliance we join. Our builders would use Cobra Cove as a base, then when a town needs builder or builders, they can go to us for that resource.

Means you get to build till your hearts content, and know that the town would pay for the building, and you can get compensation for doing it. What that will be has yet to be determined. But trading for cheap goods is a fair start.

So, mercenary builders. Jobs done, come back to Cobra Cove and do whatever. Until another job hits. Alliance builds out, we change alliances.

Contact sinnervx9 on Colorado server.