Feedback Changelog 2.219


Well-Known Member
Fortbattle recruitment window
We have added option to hide sergeants the same as players with other ranks in the fortbattle recruitment window."

I'm not understanding why "hide" the ranks in recruitment window when they are perfectly visible in the fort chat. What's to hide?

Why not just "disable" the recruitment button from anyone below Captain rank?


Well-Known Member
Fortbattle recruitment window
We have added option to hide sergeants the same as players with other ranks in the fortbattle recruitment window."

I'm not understanding why "hide" the ranks in recruitment window when they are perfectly visible in the fort chat. What's to hide?

Why not just "disable" the recruitment button from anyone below Captain rank?
My bad for misunderstanding. I see now that the recruitment button was indeed disabled ...


Ex-Team Member
Fortbattle recruitment window
We have added option to hide sergeants the same as players with other ranks in the fortbattle recruitment window."

I'm not understanding why "hide" the ranks in recruitment window when they are perfectly visible in the fort chat. What's to hide?

Why not just "disable" the recruitment button from anyone below Captain rank?
What's the point of hiding that? Why should any rank other then traitor not be allowed to view ranks?


Ex-Team Member
Because its something pointless to meddle with to appear busy instead of focusing on what matters.. like having no player base :roll:
I'd hate to get banned for saying more, a day after i was unbanned for complaining about some other dopey thing 2 months ago, but yeah, it's what they do. Honestly why pretend to make a change to a dead game with a dead update? Tbh, the april fools update would have been more fun.


Well-Known Member
What's the point of hiding that? Why should any rank other then traitor not be allowed to view ranks? can still see the ranks in the fort chat list anyway... so, they really didn't accomplish anything with this.


I'd hate to get banned for saying more, a day after i was unbanned for complaining about some other dopey thing 2 months ago, but yeah, it's what they do. Honestly why pretend to make a change to a dead game with a dead update? Tbh, the april fools update would have been more fun.

I feel you mate... but what do you expect from this game anymore? INNO guys are still living in 2011 when the game was awarded as ''the best game'':huh:


Well-Known Member
Think a rather insignificant change better then what have been seeing as focus of players being banned (so no complaints here!) - for variety reasons, scripts (was trying to ask inno to give people second chance even on opposition teams), or small stuff that someone decided to make big and complain to inno, or like foscock says, even just complaining about things that occur .. better these small changes/updates and be silently happy.

Come to conclusion that seen players that have been absolutely horrible to other players in community now with struggling worlds puff up and say how skilled and grande' they are now that game has shrunk in even the once healthly worlds. Cant stop it, best not to complain about, (trust me). About the new ranking thing hiding or whatever, i suspect some who are enjoying traitoring or low ranks to players that are more experienced but can do now that worlds smaller and they want to be the big fish likely pushed for this change as well. Problem is inno hearing suggestions from absolutely wrong type of players and so game shrinking even faster.

Hugs foscock, i sure hope they let you return to colo!! we need some of the stuff that kept colo going for decade again!!

Killer Bonnie

Well-Known Member
Ranks move and shoot priority
From now on all officer ranks (captain and above) will have the same move and shoot priority. The change affects only priority rank component, others will remain unchanged.

So does this mean that Captain, Major Generals and Generals all move the same as in There is no priority in when they shoot and move? Can you please give more detail on this.


Well-Known Member
It seems like the secondary priorities will come into play.
When ranks are the same, members of the digging/owner's alliance move before others,
When ranks are the same AND within the digging/owner's alliance, higher Leadership moves first.

Killer Bonnie

Well-Known Member
Can movement order be broken down in better detail please
Befor the change the fort owners general shot and moved then the fort owners captains shot and moved then the member towns captains shot and moved then the alliance towns captains shot and moved (non fort members) Then any not in alliance ranked captain shoot and move

Something like that .. Can I have a break down like that comparing befor and after

Killer Bonnie

Well-Known Member
Can the fort battle strategists or inno please explain the new ranks and how they are supposed to work? Why are all the same now between Captain and Major General and General? If they are all the same then what would be the point in separating their ranks? (Befor Generals would at least move and shoot differently that Captains) The purpose of the different ranks is for movement order Soo now we have 3 different ranks that all move and shoot the same?


The West Team
Event Manager
It's notable to cite the the most recent dev blog post from @Diggo11 on March 6, "Where am I to go, M’Johnnies?":

Wishlist: An Eighth Rank?​

Two of the changes discussed in this post can only be used by generals. We are actively considering whether the game would benefit from an eighth rank, for example a lieutenant general between captain and general that can also use these features, as well as whether any changes are necessary for the default ranks assigned to town founders and councillors. We are also seeking your feedback on this topic.

As to why this was so quickly implemented on live servers, I cannot say as I'm not extremely active on beta servers. You can attempt to ask Diggo here, the CM on the beta forum, or on the dev blog post via a response. Diggo was pretty talkative there earlier this month. I'm hoping once these adaptations are used for awhile, we can get some constructive feedback, and see where things go from there.I'm sure my team colleagues will jump in here to keep me honest.

That's my perception of the situation and I hope this information is useful.

Clever Hans

Well-Known Member
View attachment 5554
Without a player population none of it really matters anyway, im sure he knows this

Send Diggo my best regards,


Well, they could change their "plans" and start by finally launching the mobile app.

And lets not kid ourselves, no new player would join a game in which it takes 15 years to reach the max level if you don´t provide a legit way for the newbies to catch up. Exp and level progression would need a total revamp.


And lets not kid ourselves, no new player would join a game in which it takes 15 years to reach the max level if you don´t provide a legit way for the newbies to catch up. Exp and level progression would need a total revamp.
You know games like Clash of Clans has similar progression but still its getting new players right?