Change the 1,4 Code in Duels.


Good Morning every body,

I think we need to change the 1,4 Code in duel. I'm going to say a exemple for the people doesn't know this code.
If you are 450 you divided by 1,4 => 450 / 1,4 = 321.42 = 322.

If you are 450 level duel, you can attack 322 level duel or More.

I think we need to change the code and we need to make => 1,6

For having more player in the page duel.

For exemple if you are 450 level duel => 450 / 1,6 = 281.25 = 282.
You can duel 282 level duel or More

For exemple if you are 250 level duel => 250 / 1,6 = 156.25 = 157 ; 250 x 1,6 = 400. You can Duel all the player in 157 level duel - 400 level duel .

What you think ? YES or NO ?

Have Nice Game.
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Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
I thought that only members of the staff can put ideas up for voting, pass it to developers etc...?
How do you as an ordinary member plan to pass the idea to devs?


Well-Known Member
I thought that only members of the staff can put ideas up for voting, pass it to developers etc...?
How do you as an ordinary member plan to pass the idea to devs?
The process is thus> 1. An idea is made with certain criteria into it.>2. The idea's way of being made is checked by a moderator>3. Feedback is made by the community >4. Whether the feedback is good, bad or meh, then it gets to put up with voting, pass it to developers.

Not much ideas have been put into vote but it seems that some ideas feel like they may be read by individuals who might be able to give it to the right person. Or the right person is actually reading it.

So, make an idea and try to put a lot of effort into it is not really wasted. Just hope for the best.


This is a dead horse. I will say no. opening up even more weaker players to be targets is not good for the kind of dueling people claim to want. people who want to duel end up with high dueling ranks, if your page is empty/has few players, a)it means people don't like to duel b) you are in a bad location C) all the duelers are already in your alliance/town

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
The answer is simple

indeed. the answer is that you cannot recognize a rhetorical question when you see one. ;)
other option - you didn't see the original post before it was edited. OP wrote it as if he is a member of the staff who's putting the idea up for voting and he's going to pass it on to the devs if he gets positive replies. he found some old post from Da Twista or one of the other mods and copied it to look "official". that's why I asked what I asked, and that's why he replied "Okey I delete" and edited his post :) but I guess you missed it ;)