Chance of Finding an Item?


As I believe it, the 'Luck' percentage on a job corresponds to the value of the item found, not your chance of finding said item, is this correct?

If so, what is the chance of finding an item on any job? Does it differ from job to job?

Please note: I am NOT talking about the product associated with each job (ham, horseshoe etc), I am talking about finding clothing and weapons etc.


You are correct. The higher the luck percentage, the higher the value of the item.

As for how often you find an item while working, it is about as completely random as most everything else. You do have a better chance of finding them more often by doing longer segment jobs, or so it says in the help page.


Thanks. Does it not have a specific percentage chance though?


It doesn't say anything about that, anywhere.

You could try getting in touch with the developers, but I highly doubt they have some 'special percentage' rigged up to the system. Chance of finding things has always been random in this game, unfortunately.