Bringing back the old Adventurer, Dueller, Soldier, Worker pictures


Idea title:Bringing back the old Adventurer, Dueller, Soldier, Worker pictures
Details of idea: A suggestion to bring back the old pictures before the major updates of the west. But you can choose between these pictures, or the Avatar Generator pictures.
Visual Aid: The classic class pictures, mine for example is the Union Soldier picture for the Soldier class.
Reasons for submitting: Before all these major updates to The West, these class pictures in my opinion were cool. I miss them very much, and I think the old players would love to have them back.
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I would like to be able to choose a ready made avatar picture, like the old ones for example. However I find it hard to believe they would want to implement that.

You'll have a yes from me if it comes to voting.


I remember playing 1-2 years ago on W8, and the Mercenary (Confederate Soldier) was my favorite Soldier avatar picture.

Now, why wouldn't they want to implement it?


Effort, time, money :) It takes effort, however small to change something, it takes time to do it, and someone has to pay for it. That applies to everything of course, but they already have the character customization working...that is why I said what I said. But I do like the old pictures as well.


They can bring it back. I remember accidentally changing my picture when the custom avatars first came out, and they gave me back my old picture.


They can bring it back. I remember accidentally changing my picture when the custom avatars first came out, and they gave me back my old picture.

Doing it manually (which IGMs no longer do) isn't even remotely the same as adding the possibility of choosing the old avatars to the interface.


Contrary to this idea I would suggest widening the options you currently have when creating an avatar, expansion is the key to overcome the problem.


Well-Known Member
I have an old avatar on w12 and like it the most. I vote yes for this idea and hope it gets elaborated even more so we can see it in poll voted in the future!


Contrary to this idea I would suggest widening the options you currently have when creating an avatar, expansion is the key to overcome the problem.

Yeah, that would be better. "Custom" avatars have done nothing to give us variety since there are so few options. There are probably fewer options now than there were before. There may be thousands of permutations, but they still all look the same.


Effort, time, money :) It takes effort, however small to change something, it takes time to do it, and someone has to pay for it. That applies to everything of course, but they already have the character customization working...that is why I said what I said. But I do like the old pictures as well.

Maybe Inno should charge for 100 or 200 bond/nugget for giving you the option to choose from old ones, so it be beneficial to them too. Those old avatars was so cool, just the idea of having some avatar that reflect the character class is nice.

I had a fobia toward maxican soldiers. I like those, I need mexican soldiers for my character on world 1 :p


I have kept all my old pics, they are my favorite. I don't like the new ones as much as the old ones.


I don't understand the fascination of the Cavalry guy, the Iroquois is by far the best IMO followed by the Mercenary.


I don't understand the fascination of the Cavalry guy, the Iroquois is by far the best IMO followed by the Mercenary.
The most beautiful girl or woman in the world would be a matter of indifference to me, but tall soldiers - they are my weakness
- Frederick William I, King of Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg


I don't understand the fascination of the Cavalry guy, the Iroquois is by far the best IMO followed by the Mercenary.

I second that! Though those are only for the soldiers. I like the adventurer i have on w14, not sure what he was, gold miner possibly? :p


I love the worker Mortician. My favourite adventurer is probably the Trapper, followed by the Indian. And I don't really have strong feelings for any of the duellers, but the Bounty hunter would have to be the favourite there.


I don't understand the fascination of the Cavalry guy, the Iroquois is by far the best IMO followed by the Mercenary.

Agreed. I still have the Iroquois as my avatar in W12. I just didn't change it. So those avatars are still there.

Adding the ability to choose it in the interface would be relatively little effort, since it's already been coded once before. Plus all the art is still there and still usable apparently. I think it would be an excellent idea to give us the option to choose those again.


Agreed. I still have the Iroquois as my avatar in W12. I just didn't change it. So those avatars are still there.

One world? I still have old avatars on w1, w11, w12, w14, w15, and on my two migration strandees, and I had it on my old w1 which I deleted to migrate from w2. I've never exchanged old for new, but of course they're still there, hundreds of people still use them.