Bounty wars



weapon- blades, knives, daggers, peacemaker, and a Flinloft rifle,

bio- unknown assasin in streets, cutthroat, don't know where parents are.

KNOCK*KNOCK* the door opened, there came syed runnight straitgh at james, syed shot with his rifle mssed and james shot a gain hitting his arm,syed took out his blades and through it at james sliceing his arm off. the kids wre watching the whole time. syed ran out

continue( james in hospital)


(Note: Umm you should work in the story more. Thats god modd and u kinda ran in and tried to kill the plot.)


wight horse, revoulver, fists.

kurtis rides into town and knockes on the door with a frendly smile. james are you in?


James sighs and tells him,"I keep getting requests for my stupid gang. That or spare food 'cause I have the only mansion in this area. Well a house made of wood." James chuckled and ignored the man.


"Wait...Who is there on your front pourch? Seems like he knows you..." Bradley took out his gun.


"My name is known around here by people. It'll be fine. Go make sure the children found Angel. It's a big house," James said with another laugh as he drank some coffee.


"Hmm...I guess..." He stood up and walked the stairs to find the children.
"The colonel was right. This is a big house...Hey where are you?" Softly he walked down the corridor.


"elmer, violette, denise...i missed you..." angel said as she run towards te door where te three kids stood looking at her...she hugged them tightly and a bit teary...

"im glad to see you sorry if i have to leave you by your own..." she said as she start wiping te tears on te kids' eyes....tears of joy and as Elmer - te eldest of te three kids - started telling Angel their little adventure on their way out of te house. . .


Bradley coughed. He stood in the door opening watching the three kids and the girl.
He smiled as the eldest kid told what had happened. He took his hat from his head and wiped sweat from his face. He turned away from the scene in the room.
"They need some privacy..." He mumbled.


kurtis kicks down the door and puts it back. why is ther a corps out ther. never mind i have news...


James pulled out his sawn-off and grabbed the man. "That was oak you idiot!!!" James said as he kicked the man in the place of much pain for men. James pointed the sawn-off at the man's head and said,"What da you want?"


HERES the money iou he kicks the gun away punched him then held a knife up to his neck. i gave him back his gun and left. got on my horse and rode out of town.


James laughed, grabbed the money and walked out the door. James pulled out his revolver and fired three shots. He heard a whinney and a yell. "I hit your leg, and Im sure I killed your horse. Screw off. The village is a mile away. Make it at 12 degrees Fahrenheit, you'll live. Probably not since your crawling," James yelled out with a laugh.


kurtis fires once and hits james in the forehead:laugh: standsup and yelld you missed