Better article of clothing for fort battle...


Well-Known Member
I'd like to hear from all those experienced fort fighters out there. What article of clothing do you think is better, the Brown coat (+12 Health points) or the Black leather jacket (+11 Hiding, +11 Leadership)?

I'm thinking this might be one of those "It depends..." type answers.


Yes it depends. If you'll do mostly defenses, you'll get black lether jacket since you have fortification bonuses so 120 health from the brown coat is not needed very much. However if you're a HP monster you'll pick up brown coat where every single HP point counts as you need to intimidate opponents by your enormous health.

But I use none of the above. I use this one as it's the most compatible with my playstyle:
Black Dress Coat (+10 aiming, +2 leadership)


Depends on your leadership and hiding really, if they are low (like below 20), you'll want the black leather jacket.


If you are based on Health points, you should choose the first option. But if you want more fortbattle power, the second option is a lot better!


Remember that extra health points are not subject to diminishing returns, whereas the marginal value of an extra skill point in say leadership or hiding decreases quite rapidly at higher levels due to the skill^0.4 formula. In other words, health points become relatively better in comparison to other things the higher your other fort fighting skills are.