Beta version


Is there anyone who wants to share his beta version account with me? As it's beta, I don't think it's against rules- no one takes that world it seriously. No concurrence.


Yeah.. the rules still apply...
Its your fault that you didn't joined it early! XP


I joined the beta but I decided to quit immediately. I think the beginner questline is a bit different and you actually have the option to report players by clicking the button you see in your mail conversation and another player's profile. You also can't see the Town Forum link when you don't belong to any town. The players were the mods themselves and some of the more active and resourceful people of the entire game. I guess that's where they test the changes that they are about to do in our main gaming worlds.


I'm waiting for answer from admins (is that allowed or not?).. I missed this chance, cause was on holidays..


They announced it when it was 2AM in the morning for me. When I woke up, there were no more spaces.


i was awake when they announced it, but i didn't feel like being a guinea pig. wish i knew you wanted to join frag, i could have helped you.


If I can't have access to the beta, can I have a link to the beta forums at least? maybe I can catch some changes there?