Best dueling outfit?


i like the brown shawl personaly, but mostly cause i have tiny vigor and low appearance.

and for resistance duelers what about the brown spiked shoes, i find them very useful


Brown spiked shoes($2450)
+9 toughness
+9 reflex
+6 shooting

Also see this one:
Brown dress coat($3500)
+2 mobility
+10 toughness
+9 reflex

Not bad considering the price, and with non-dueling bonuses as well.


Assuming you have the best of everything, you then will also have the money to re-spec your skills the way you want later. So the best dueling clothes are those that give you the most dueling skill points, doesn't matter which skills they are. I don't count the extra health points as a serious dueling skill.

I would give 1 point for aim, dodging and either vigor or shooting in both offense and defense. Toughness and reflex are good for either 1/2 point or 1 point (depending on your opponent which you can't chose on defense) so give them each 3/4 of a point in both offense and defense. Appearance and Tactics get 1 point in either offense or defense but not both.

So for Melee dueler, fancy felt hat gives you 19 3/4 pts on offense and 27 3/4 for defense. The fancy leather hat gives you 28 3/4 for both offense and defense, clearly better. Even the trusty black felt hat is slightly better on offense than the fancy felt, at 20 pts.

The melee footwear has the fancy riding boots against the brown boots. The fancy riding gives 33 for offense and 25 for defense. The brown give you 20 for offense and 30 for defense, so you might want them both.

The melee neckbands have: brown shawl (at 23 offense, 10 defense) the Mexican bandana (at 17 for either, though as part of the Mexican set gives you between 18 3/4 and 20 1/2 for either) and the golden buffalo (at 16 1/2 for either offense or defense). I have the first two and don't see much reason for the buffalo, as it doesn't help me for any more jobs now either.

Melee clothing has the fancy dress coat hands down at 30 1/2 pts for both offense and defense.


my ideal ranging gear is:
blue tie-$4816
brown spiked boots-$2450
brown coat-$6280

don't know whether this is the best but you get an extremely high shooting bonus as well as the Mexican 2 item bonus and also some useful bonuses to other dueling skills
(this outfit allows you to hit a lot higher but offers very little defensive bonuses so its aimed for quick Ko's)


my ideal ranging gear is:
blue tie-$4816
brown spiked boots-$2450
brown coat-$6280

don't know whether this is the best but you get an extremely high shooting bonus as well as the Mexican 2 item bonus and also some useful bonuses to other dueling skills
(this outfit allows you to hit a lot higher but offers very little defensive bonuses so its aimed for quick Ko's)

I would prefer brown boots over brown spiked boots any day. The brown boots offer a better shooting bonus, so thats already more for offense. The brown boots also provide high defense (tactics), and both high toughness and dodging bonuses.

One Armed Ninja

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna nominate this, not saying who I saw it on though ;)



Health points should be considered also. Its no fun to sleep after every couple of duels, even if you win. Brown Coat, soldiers boots (brown boots still best), Brown Tie (or blue tie), Fancy Felt hat (Black Felt hat and Sombrero) all help your health