Best clothes for FORT battles?


Regardless of build or attacking/defending:

Black or brown stetson or fancy felt hat
Brown coat
Brown tie
Cody's dagger (or golden weapon with a golden gun, or those or anything else if no Cody's)
Fireworks rocket (or tequila if not available)
Green pistol belt (or a better health built. I just tend to leave these on on most worlds, +40 SP defending from a blue pistol belt might also be enough to take it over hp).
Fancy soft leg guards.

Disagree with me? Let's compare average damage. (not you Gaga. I have no golden gun, I don't crit, and I'm not a tower hugging serial defender)


for defending i wear, green top hat, black leather jacket, mustang, and moccassins. I also wear the the fancy tie for attack and defend.