

I think most people in this game have no clue how the bank works. From what i learned form going to the bank, as soon as you deposit, you can't get your money back! So for the people who say "if you don't want your money taken, put it in the bank" guess what people once you do that you can only use the money to help make your town, which im not sayin is a bad thing, but if your like me and you savin up to get a donkey and complete a quest, don't put your money in the bank, instead, get a bunch of items and invest in them.


Um if you have $250 in the bank, and $0 out of it, you can still get the donkey, it's automatically taken out of your bank though, so after you'll have $0 in the bank


last time i checked. you couldn't do that and a donkey cost 1000$


Then check again and read up on the way the game handles town membership concerning prices, goods available and the working of the bank. Though you are correct om one thing which Namegoeshere missed. If you place money on the cities account (the screen on the right in the bank window) you can't retreive it... from that moment on it is town money. This account can hold infinate money. The left account is your private bank account. What you place here you can only withdraw by leaving a town, but anything you buy will first be distracted from your cash amount and the remain will automatically be withdrawn from your private bank account. The ammount this can contain depends on the town bank level but starts at $250

oh... and a donkey costs 250 in town, 1000 out of town. This can be explained by reading the help files.


Thats how the game works. All money in your bank is yours. Anything you buy comes out the bank. Everything costs 1/4 of the price it does outside of the town.

Im saying what the guy above me said, but a lot shorter. Dont be stupid. If you keep money on you, people like me will take it all from you and laugh in your face when you cant afford that donkey.