Auctionable Items


Make Rudolph Auctionable, but not Golden Ass or Ostrich

Current Workaround

Rudolph is one of the only items in the collector's set that there is at this point no concrete way to obtain. It seems based on loose evidence that even William Tilghman's belt is more rare though than rudolph. This should be something players have the ability to auction off.

As for Golden Ass and Ostrich, both of these are obtainable through achievements and although very difficult there is clear line of sight on how to obtain.

Abuse Prevention
Nothing really except more will have the option to get the camel.

Visual Aids

Ultimately the collector's Camel would be more obtainable and would put to rest all of the questions about how to get Rudolph. I think this would also make many players happy since again there is currently no information on how to get this elusive creature.

Does this idea meet the Ideas Guidelines & Criteria? I believe so
Does this idea appear on any of the Previously Suggested Ideas List? Not that I am aware of


Even tho I personally haven't found Rudolph yet, nor do I have any idea how to, I still think it should remain that way.

Collectors set should be a rare thing to obtain, and since all the other items can be found by borrowing items, I kinda like it the way it is.


Even tho I personally haven't found Rudolph yet, nor do I have any idea how to, I still think it should remain that way.

Collectors set should be a rare thing to obtain, and since all the other items can be found by borrowing items, I kinda like it the way it is.

Rudolph is no different than williams...and there are more rudolphs than williams.


Yes, he means the pants. There are no other williams that I know of :p


Yes, he means the pants. There are no other williams that I know of :p

No he is talking about William Tilghmans pistol belt.William Masterson linen pants is quite common but you are referring to Buffalo Bill 's Leg Guards rice I presume .

Yes to this idea although I have heard of a player who said he got it from grave robber job.


In my opinion make all animal auctionable or else take them out of the premium chest.

I have not bought a single premium chest even though I want too as there is no clarity about these animals existence in the chests and if they are then will they be made auctionable. I refuse to be stuck with multiple instances of animals costing 1500 UPBs/nuggets which are actually worthless if over one piece....better to get shop items than these animals. Hence no more premium chests for me at any cost.

On a side note....its good that the levels for other items like howdah/sniper etc were raised and that they have been made auctionable.


Edit : Just realized that my post is partially off topic. Hence a basic NO for only rudolf being auctionable & YES to make all animals auctionable.
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