Anyone speak german?


I can speak a (very) small amount of german, but i'm not sure of the word order in this sentence.

i want to say:

You can ride a bike in the park

Would it be:

man kann in dem park fahrrad?


Edit: I know when there is a verb, such as swim, it goes at the end of the sentence "auxiliary verb" with certain phrases...
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Man kann in dem Park Fahrrad fahren.

(or if you adress someone specific: Du kannst in dem Park Fahrrad fahren)


Thanks, I appreciate it :)
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Ich spreche einen bischen deutsch.

BUt I pretty much suck at it :p


Sentence structure is one of the biggest problems with translations. If translated literally, that sentence would be "You can park in the bike ride."

That's one of the reasons I hate seeing anyone being criticized for their grammar when many people have something other than English as their primary language. I'm glad to see Mr. guns taking the time to see that he has it right rather than assuming that all languages are just like his own.


Nashy (as himself)
говорим немачки гоогле транслатор превише!

Es ist nicht Deutsch, aber es macht gute Verwendung der Google-Übersetzer.
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Starts with:
How do you say this in german...

Ends with:

Go to hell!

Typical west... :)
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