

What alliances exist in World 10, that are accepting players/towns?

We're a small, low-level town with an alliance with a single nearby town, but we're being dueled repeatedly by a pack of THP-affiliated bullies, supposedly because we fought against them in a fort battle a while back.

Is there anyone out there that can help us take these folks on?



well i guess you could join GC, FOM, POW or some other alliance. but its not like they can do anything about it. u should choose the right sight to battle on next time and you wouldnt have any problems ;)
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Or him and his townmates could just abandon his current town altogether and have all his members join Banana Town to steal some more THP forts :D


meh forts come and forts go, but mort stats live forever. i have spent 3 weeks at banana town and dropped there mort from +300 to -50, join there if you want i guess.