P&P Airtown


One of the mods asked me to post this here about Airtown, Arizona.

"Be careful when joining this town. This guy Airman likes to get you to donate a bunch of money and supplies (like Union Flags) to his town/forts and then he kicks you out without even sending you a message to let you know. (And he blocks you so you can't even ask what happened)

If you are a builder then you are prolly fine since it's your building skills he wants, other wise he is always sending out messages that he needs 5,000$ for more Fort Attacks."

I mean, this was at least what my experience was, maybe others will have better luck.


One of the mods asked me to post this here about Airtown, Arizona.

A little bit more accurate would be: A mod told me that the place where i originally posted it was the wrong one (recruitment). If i wanted to post my complaints about a town, it could be done by making a P&P thread in the Arizona forum


Airman? The only thing I know about him is that he loves to spam fortchat with the link to chatango. But that's not something only he does, and it's more a devs' failure to add a spam protection into the chat engine.
Also I know that we won some fort fight together that he launched the other day. Dunno against who it was, but that doesn't matter, right?

On the other hand... I know nothing about you except that you came to only one fort fight on w13 so far. :)
And IIRC... You joined SISU's side? Since when Airtown is helping SISU? Hmmmm, do you really have to ask why he kicked you? ;)

You say he wants builders for building skills, others for cash... That's odd. I would expect from a fort fighter to want other fort fighters.

Desi, I always thought P&P in RPG games mean "pencil and paper". :D
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Archie who are you kidding.

Not only has the Mod already busted you out on your spin, the truth of the matter is no one who knows Airman is going to believe this.

What they will believe is what happened...you didn't want to cooperate to help the town grow, you were argumentative, and you fought on the side of the enemy during fort battles.

So you got kicked as you well should have been, the only thing Airman did wrong was not kicking you sooner.


I couldn't agree with TJ and Sha more. I've know Airman ever since we first agreed to an alliance. He would never kick someone out for no reason, and from what I've heard he had a very good reason. Archie, do you really expect to stay in a town when you don't contribute and you're disloyal?


Archie, I can say with piece in my mind that u should apologize for your statement. Airman just isn˙t the guy u r describing. Nobody except u questioned his actions to that moment.

I say u got kicked out of town for breaking the rules and now u want to throw some trash into the man`s face out of anger and spite.

It`s not worth it....remember...its just a game! And one more thing u should bear in mind:

"what goes around, comes around".

U might not wanna be on the receiving end when u r dishonest acts come full circle. These stuff can backfire right back at you easily.


this is an envious talk !!
Vairman is from the best guys in this game ...i stayed in his town for a long while and he has never ask me to donate even a couple of dollars ...
as Joxer said ...archie drell joined Vairman town but he go against them in the fort battles..........very honesty !!!!!


im a soldier in airtown and have never been pressured in to giving money in fact i never have any lol i think i have only donated about $100 so far but will be happy to donate more soon
as for being kicked out of the town i think there must be another reason why this happened

im happy in this town as im sure many others are if not we are all free to leave but yet we dont


Red Rep Archie!
And who is the so called 'dev' May i know imposter?!


V Airman is a good friend to me and i don't believe any thing about what you say
he is a good friend and support my town in many forts and we support him and we will do that in the future


I know V Airman quite well and I really don't believe your story :p


V Airman is an awesome guy. Always willing to help.

This guy's story seems like total BS.


lol at some of the people saying how great V Airman is.

he is alright, he is enthusiastic and willing to do the donkey work for some of you but that doesnt make him the greatest thing since sliced bread.


i am member of air town uta its great town especially V Airman co-founder its great man
so please stay away from not well unfrormed ones


a guy named greenbud420 did the same to me but as a alliance not as a town member he coordinated for my town to be kiked out of the Winchester Brigade


a guy named greenbud420 did the same to me but as a alliance not as a town member he coordinated for my town to be kiked out of the Winchester Brigade

ahhh SEE!!! his scheming tactics go waaay back! LOL :razz: (i do apologize for resurrecting this one, i just found it to be hilarious :laugh:)

ps: im quite aware of the fact that J-Wiz is a joke.....