Add a "view friend list"


Okay, this idea is pretty straight forward.

We have the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of our The West screen. This tab lets us see three things:

1. Rewards

2. Invite Friends

3. Pending Invitations

In wake of this recent event finishing, and everyone's friend list being full, it begs the question:

Why isn't there a:

Friend List

On the friend list, you can actually see all of your friends. You can scroll down and view them easily. You can terminate any friendship with the easy click of a button. This is my idea/suggestion. A simple list, other than the bar at the bottom of the Game Screen.

As it stands, managing your friend list is a mess. The bar at the bottom of our game screen is just. . . well. . .

Try and manage your friend list. Delete inactive people after events that INCENTIVIZE having friends for flowers, or whatever. . . and you will see how annoyingly difficult it is. How terribly time-consuming

This could all be rectified with the aforementioned suggestions

Or not. What do you think?


We actually used to have a friends list, but it was removed in favour of the friend-bar thing.
This script was made by the game developer to bring the old friend-list back, for those that preferred it (the sane people :p).

It seems to work okay but there may be bugs, haven't really used it for a while but it is still superior to the bar.
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