A Question About Videos


Okay, so I am USELESS online and everyone on here is so helpful, so I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone can help me.
Quite a while ago, I downloaded an flv video. I then used my converter to convert it to an mpg. Now at the TIME, I was using the FREE version of the converter which added a watermark to the video.
Now here's the thing. I didn't keep the original download and now - having purchased the premium version of the converter, I would like to try to find the video again and convert it without the watermark. (And keep the original safe and sound...just in case.)
The problem is, I can't for the life of me, remember what words I used to search for it in the FIRST place and so now can't FIND the damnable thing.
Is there ANY way to search the internet for a video using the video itself as a GUIDE?
With Google-Images, you can simply slide the image you want to search for into the box and it automatically pulls up either that image or ones that look like it.
You can't seem to do this with videos though.
If anyone knows of a way to search for a video using that video, I would be very grateful.
I just want to be able to watch it without that damnable watermark on it.
Thanks in advance my friends. :)


No good. I downloaded it over three years ago and I have reinstalled Windows loads of times since then - sometimes because of my fault, sometimes because it just freaked out and refused to work. :(


The West Team
Forum moderator
It's a big ask since it's 3 years ago but Youtube has a history of what you've watched too. You can search for what you have watched. (That's if it was downloaded from Youtube.)
You could try taking a screenshot of a main part of that video and using that to google search.


Perhaps - depending on the nature of the video - you could tell us what it is/what it's about and we might know a name/maker/song/title/whatever that fits? :)


Nah, it wasn't YouTube. It was from an...independent site. The nature of the video was - shall we say - not for younger viewers, but is a really good video - by far one of the best I have seen. It's just a shame that it is spoiled by that stupid watermark. At the time, I was converting because I didn't know how to watch .flv files and I didn't intend to pay for it.
Well, after a while, I got sick and tired of seeing the watermark on every video I tried to watch, so I paid for it...then I discovered the wonders of VLC, the best player I have yet found. It plays EVERYTHING! Wish I knew that back then. :(
I will try a screenshot and see if that works...thanks for the replies. :)