4th of july contest


I have noticed and i have been reminded by this contest, that we all have a vote and to little of us use it. Even if vote is stupid or not thought out it matters not this is america we all have our opinions. I sure am glad to be an American and thanks for this contest it reminds me we all have a vote we all have rights which were given to us we did not earn them as a people now we throw our rights away every day not thinking of what our for fathers & mothers went through to give us these rights we cherish today. Thanks. small example what right does any one have to tell me to wear a seatbelt in my own car. Duh none of your business. My life i control it so i thought goverment which american people have let goverment control about every aspect of our lives. come on people time for prayer. If i choose not to wear seatbelt it should be ok but nope.just remember our rights our our country. let us not abuse what was freely given us. freely meaning we did not have to do any thing to get our rights as a people now. of course many men and women lost there lives but those people were different than us today. well enough of all that have a good day.


